Liz Truss Threatened Germany To Stop Building Nord Stream 2 as This Gives Putin an Advantage

Liz Truss Threatened Germany To Stop Building Nord Stream 2 as This Gives Putin an Advantage
Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline Construction Continues SASSNITZ, GERMANY - AUGUST 04: A ship of DOF Subsea, a Norwegian company that does subsea work for oil and gas companies, stands offshore behind pipe sections for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline stacked at Mukran Port on Rügen Island on August 04, 2021 in Sassnitz, Germany. Mukran Port is the main German operating base for supplying pipe sections to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, a dual line pipeline that runs along the Baltic Sea floor and will transport natural gas from Russia to Germany. The first line was completed earlier this year and the second line is under construction.The project has been a source of international controversy as it has drawn opposition from the United States, Poland and Ukraine. Sean Gallup/Getty Images

UK Foreign secretary Liz Truss says building Nord Stream 2 should not be allowed to continue, which German leader Olaf Scholz is not all for. She demands the German Chancellor shut down the pipeline should Russia invade Ukraine.

Joe Biden has been fear-mongering that Vladimir Putin will give the signal to invade Ukraine, though Moscow denies it.

Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to stop if there is war

Truss says that the Kremlin should not have access to its natural gas despite hesitancy by Germany to risk an energy crisis, reported the Express.

One of the reasons for Putin's deployment of Russian hardware and troops is to stop NATO expansion in eastern Europe. Due to the statement of the White House that it's another land grab like Crimea, which other experts contested.

She added that NATO and allies should prevent tension while sending weapons and troops. Berlin has largely ignored other EU members who have charged Germany, including Biden, as not with them.

Opposed to the pragmatic approach of the German Chancellor, the UK official is taking the White House's flawed approach, which is not denting Vladimir Putin, citing the Independent.

She stresses that the UK wants Berlin to be tougher on the Kremlin by using the natural gas pipeline to leverage a rollout of forces over the Ukraine border.

But, Germany does not want to risk its economy over freedom and democracy but continues building Nord Stream 2 since they are least affected by what is happening.

Despite what Truss and the US would say, Germany's Chancellor Scholz will not let anyone decide about the pipeline or give a definite answer to show a rollout over the border does happen, noted Euronews.

Nord Stream 2 gas supply to increase dependence on Moscow

Berlin will not say if they agree with NATO and is not budging. She added the German foreign minister had been in discussion. If there is an invasion, then it gets shut down.

The German chancellor asked for practicality to Moscow, not to rock the boat as the tensions are jack up by the US president recently.

Getting in more energy via the pipeline is what would happen if the supply is unhindered from Russia, but caution due to more dependence on Moscow will be developed.

In the early part of January, Scholz said that he's open to option about the gas pipeline building if Ukraine is invaded by Russia, which Berlin is reserved about. Saying they will be repercussions should Putin give the signal to enter Ukraine aggressively.

This week Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked for proof from Russia that it will not invade Kyiv via prisoner exchange.

He added that NATO should be the one security guarantor of Ukraine in the border stand-off, saying eastern NATO countries will be subject to Moscow's tactics.

Zalesky remarked that NATO might be over its head, and the divided response of members is telling how undecided they are. He added that if fighting starts, it will be on NATO borders.

Liz Truss wants Berlin to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, but Scholz will not commit like some other EU countries, unlike the UK, which is all in with Joe Biden's fear-mongering.

Ukraine, Natural Gas, Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin
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