
Joe Biden Shellacked by Approval Rating Like Donald Trump’s Prompting Indicators of a Red Wave Coming in Midterms Sweeping Democrats

 Joe Biden Shellacked by Approval Rating Like Donald Trump’s Prompting Indicators of a Red Wave Coming in Midterms Sweeping Democrats

Joe Biden will have to reckon his poll rating like Donald Trump's in his first year of office. Sinking this low has prompted the Democrats into uncertainty about what to do if rankings go lower.

The president has not delivered on his promises and has polarized the country with radical policies.

Joe Goes Low, Damage Control Is Not Helping

On Monday, a poll by Investor's Business Daily (IBD)/TIPP revealed the shocking dip the president took.

The successor of Trump, who had the tools to push the US in 2021 instead sank to 44.4 percent, a shocking 4.8 dip in a month, reported the Express UK.

In this year's November mid-term election, the Democrats are scrambling to undo the damage he's done that is imposing a Republican resurgence in both Houses.

GOP stalwarts are counting on the support of the ex-president's base to pull ahead of the Dems in Congress and Senate.

It would give the White House less leeway in getting a progressive agenda in a bait and switch from happening.

The data included in the result of the IBD/TIPP poll omitted those not sure of their opinion; thus, it shows the sentiment of the poll taken about Joe Biden.

Subjects of the poll were 1,355 US adults done in early February. On November 18, Trump had only 42.6 percent in November 2018, and the media was not in favor of him.

White House Is In For Doomed Times

Both have the same result, but the president has lost the ball too many times like Afghanistan, the US-Mexico border, and inflation, cited the Financial Times. This has impacted the House of Representatives that needed Nancy Pelosi to pick for the White House.

Due to the loss of control in Congress, Trump had two impeachments in 2019 and 2021 that he survived. If Biden's turn comes up, the Republicans will have a full store to aim at him.

Several GOP members want to have a go at the president, who may have lots of skeletons in his closet. Come impeachment time, and it would take a lot to defend him.

Last August, Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene pushed impeachment against the president, noted the Independent. She added that corrupt and incompetent people should be fired. It was directed at the White House.

She said that the elected president has failed America and should be impeached. On the first day of office, she promised to impeach the ex-vice president; and carried it out.

Approval ratings for the US leader had sunk like a stone since August 30, when the US left Afghanistan.

Ukraine To Boost His Ratings

The president is shifting to highlight Russia as an aggressor against Ukraine and ramping up the tension instead of removing it. Perhaps to move away from the Afghan debacle, which left Americans stranded at the Taliban's mercy.

He told Russian President Vladimir Putin of the consequences of overrunning Kyiv with sanctions and closing the Nord Stream 2. The EU is divided, and sanctions won't work against Moscow as far as the threats go.

Despite the rhetoric, no one is listening to Biden; even Germany and France have distanced themselves.

He claims that the $2tn rescue package will work, but the pro-White House media has been spinning allegedly for the Democrats.

Joe Biden is in free fall, and he might take down the Democrat party with him in the midterms where a red wave can overrun them.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump
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