Former President Donald Trump allegedly flushed down records in the White House in a toilet bowl is absurd. Calling the House Oversight Committee looking into the silly claims as comical, he added that it must be fake news. The controversy that has gone to the toilet is the documents contained in 15 boxes.
Flushing Records is Fake News, Trump Claims
The Democrats are trying to make a case for the documents that the National Archives and Records Administration a month ago from his Resort in Florida, the Express UK reported.
Since the end of his term, the incident of January 6 has been blamed on and everything else thrown at him.
The ex-president issued a statement, who has been criticizing Joe Biden for all the errors his administration made, even paving the way for the red wave on his own.
The story about the flushing down the toilet is fake news that attempts to divert the public from the flailing Biden administration. He added that it was invented by a reporter so that his book made up of untruths could sell.
Everything is going wrong for the Democrats who want everyone to look the other way from the mistakes of president Joe Biden.
The Unselect Committee of political spinners is seeing how bad they want something to blame for it, instead of good governance, noted NBC News.
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Despite what the other camp claims, Donald Trump mentioned that all interaction actions were respectful and collaborative when the National Archives got all the documents. This included letters and other published or written records during Trump's term.
Trump's Library To Display Documents of His Achievements
Choice documents will be placed in the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library planned for the public to see, said the ex-president. He added that the people have glimpses of what his administration has done for America.
The alleged toilet flushing of records called it untrue, and they are trying to make another failed narrative with NARA. He alleged the fake news media is stirring another issue.
Furthermore, Trump liked working with NARA, which will help keep the good respect president's legacy alive. He still holds more support, like the recent rally in Conroe, Texas that was heralded by Nigel Farage as a wake-up call for Joe Biden.
The New York Times alleged that the National Archives was concerned that National Archives was not keen on the ex-president taking out classified material; they are now talking to the Justice Department.
It was pointed out that the papers weren't given under duress, and there was no conflict, which was not what the Fake News Media reported.
Another fact is it was routine and nothing out of the ordinary, and there was no legal obligation to surrender the material.
One example is Hillary Clinton, who deleted relevant emails that should have been surrendered to the government.
Furthermore, Bill Clinton would not surrender audio tapes the archive requested, even a court case would fail to get them. Trump added that it included other stuff in past administrations.
The Biden government is trying to smear ex-President Donald Trump with a not working narrative.
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