
Putin Does Not Want Conflict as the US Will Only Benefit From It

Putin Does Not Want Conflict as the US Will Only Benefit From It
TOPSHOT-OLY-2022-BEIJING-OPENING-VIPS TOPSHOT - Russia's President Vladimir Putin gestures during the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, at the National Stadium, known as the Bird's Nest, in Beijing, on February 4, 2022. WANG ZHAO/AFP via Getty Images

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not intend to invade Ukraine due to diplomacy, and it won't suit the Kremlin's long-term plans.

The expert is a prominent intelligence analyst and political risk assessor who said the situation is due to changes in the global status quo.US president Joe Biden has warned of an imminent invasion that Moscow has categorically dismissed.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Unlikely To Happen Soon

Choosing to remain unidentified, the expert said that hints by American intelligence that Ukraine will be invaded had heightened tensions further.

Putin said it was untrue the US claims of Ukrainian invasion, Kiev has also dialed down its reaction to the massed forces on its border, reported The Express UK.

One of the reasons is why an invasion could be counterproductive is that conflict would risk everyone's wellbeing. Despite the simplistic explanation of Washington, Moscow will not run the gamut of risks to them and other countries in eastern Europe.

It would be a significant disadvantage to the complex plan of the Kremlin leader, and the US president cannot fathom how complex plans are. Another point made is that stepping down tensions will follow; if all parties get what they want.

Despite what the White House says, the bloc members and Moscow have been a frenzy of diplomacy. Officials from foreign ministers and defense officials are trying to resolve this.

These contrasts to the US envoy whose concern is to step up the hysteria an invasion will follow. It seems the US wants to ramp up the tension to war.

Putin, Other Leaders Must Consider Diplomacy

Warmongering fear pushed by US president Joe Biden has been counterweighted by talks that are staving off conflict. It lessens the anxiety that war is less imminent, Vladimir Putin is still listening.

Diplomacy has worked with former President Donald Trump, and he called North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un a rocket man. But the ice was broken and was shaking hands at the DMZ, cited BBC.

Furthermore, another scenario may follow with Mr. Putin, and the Ukrainian president might be posing together soon. Except for the US, block members don't want a fight against Russia.

Several western countries think that shooting war is coming soon, and they advise that evacuation of affected nationals should start. The announcement made everyone tense.

One indication of these activities is that these world affairs are the start of a new global trend that will affect the position of major countries like the US.

There will be changes in a new global order that will impact the future.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union led to the rise of America after the Cold War, leading the US to become a significant power.

This coming change threatens that US global power may not last long, noted Al Jazeera.

Putin's actions wake up that America as the top dog may not last forever; Moscow dominates natural gas and is immune to sanctions.

A power set up will be either two to several power blocs; they are China and India, other powers that will counter-check each other.

World order would be less if many powers arise, fear of conflict will lessen violence. Even Russia can help the west, and NATO will become insignificant.

Vladimir Putin and his actions are pushing the new world order destined to change the global power, but the US does not want to become irrelevant.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir putin
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