George Zimmerman, DMX Celebrity Boxing Match Cancelled After Being Labeled too Controversial

Celebrity boxing promoter Daniel Feldman has cancelled the fight between George Zimmerman and rapper DMX, TMZ reports. Feldman made the announcement on Twitter saying that the event was too controversial and his conscious wouldn't let him go through with it.

"It's so controversial and confusing decisions have to be made I'm all over the place with this I'll make it at Tuesday's press conference," he wrote.

"I just gave you what u want I'm done with Zimmerman," Feldman tweeted.

"Done with George Zimmerman if you had a major payday sitting in front of you, I know no one else would walk away like I did ***Next!!" he continued.

"I made the right decision I could of made big $$ but I would rather be happy."

It was announced earlier in the month that Zimmerman and Feldman were working together for the event. Feldman told Radar Online that immediately following the announcement he began receiving thousands of emails from people interested in getting in the ring with Zimmerman. Out of more than 15,000 emails, Feldman said he had picked rapper DMX to box with the Florida native.

He told the site that most of the people who "want to box with Zimmerman said they would do it as justice for Trayvon [Martin]." However, other people, including Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton, thought the boxing event was "glorifying Zimmerman," the Miami Herald reports.

A Facebook page asking Feldman to cancel the event quickly generated over 315,000 "likes."

According to Miami Herald, Sherry Schaefer, Feldman's assistant, said the promoter was receiving such flak for doing the boxing match that he was forced to hire a body guard after receiving threats.

Zimmerman, 30, was acquitted last year in Florida of manslaughter and second-degree murder of unarmed Trayvon Martin, 30.