
Trump-Backed Nebraska Gubernatorial Candidate Loses Republican Primary Amid Sexual Assault Investigation

Trump-Backed Nebraska Gubernatorial Candidate Loses Republican Primary Amid Sexual Assault Investigation
Jim Pillen beats Trump-backed Nebraska gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbster in the Republican Primary in the state amid the latter's fight with sexual assault allegations. The situation has caused a setback for former President Donald Trump and his attempt to take control of the GOP. Scott Olson/Getty Images

Trump-backed Nebraska gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbster was upended by Jim Pillen, a University of Nebraska regent who has the support of the state's powerful Ricketts political machine.

Pillen won the Republican primary for Nebraska governor after beating Herbster, a millionaire who has been scarred by sexual assault allegations. The Trump-endorsed agribusiness executive funded his own campaign and faced accusations of groping several women.

Trump-Backed Candidate's Loss

The win over Herbster makes Pillen an overwhelming favorite to become Nebraska's next governor this coming November. On the other hand, Democrats have not yet won a statewide election since 2006. The party opted to nominate Carol Blood, a state senator from the Omaha suburbs.

Herbster became the first candidate that former President Donald Trump endorsed that lost a Republican primary in 2022. Many others who have received support from the Republican businessman face stiff headwinds in coming primaries, including contests for governor in Idaho next week and Georgia on May 24, as per the New York Times.

During a victory speech on Tuesday, a crowd cheered and chanted, "Let's go, Jim!" as Pillen said that we live in the greatest place on the planet, referring to Nebraska. The Republican also revealed that his opponents in the race had called him to concede.

Despite Trump-endorsed candidates winning primary races in West Virginia for the U.S. House on the same day, the statewide loss in Nebraska is considered a setback for the former president. The Republican businessman has issued hundreds of endorsements and staged his signature campaign-style rallies supporting his preferred candidates.

According to the Associated Press, these attempts seek to bend the GOP in his direction ahead of another potential presidential run in 2024. Furthermore, Herbster's loss increases the stakes on other high-profile races this month that Trump has intervened in campaigns.

Former President's Primary Losses

Pillen received support from many top GOP leaders in the state on top of Ricketts, including former Gov. Kay Orr and renowned former University of Nebraska football coach and Congressman Tom Osborne. The only thing that kept Ricketts from running again was term limits.

During a rally, former President Trump urged voters to ignore sexual misconduct allegations against Herbster. He said that the claims from eight different women were "malicious." On May 1, the Republican businessman declared that Herbster was badly maligned and called the situation a shame.

But despite Trump's influence, his support was not enough to secure Herbster the win in the Republican primary. However, the scandal-scarred official appeared to have gotten more votes than alternative Republican candidate Se. Brett Lindstrom. But Herbster's loss was not Trump's only failure of the night.

Rep. Don Bacon previously drew Trump's criticism for supporting the bipartisan infrastructure plan and easily won his primary on Tuesday night despite the former president's pleas to defeat him. The official had been mildly critical of Trump over the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot. Earlier this month, the former president had a speech where he called Bacon a "bad guy" and shouted out his challenger, businessman Steve Kuehl, CNN reported.

Donald Trump, Nebraska, Sexual assault
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