Russia's Sarmat ICBM Could Reduce Adversaries to Dust With Hypersonic Speed, Unpredictable Trajectory

Russia's Sarmat ICBM Could Reduce Adversaries to Dust With Hypersonic Speed, Unpredictable Trajectory
The Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) of Russia possesses hypersonic speed and wild trajectory, making it hard to stop once locked on the target. ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty Images

Russia's new Sarmat ICBM has hypersonic speed, and a wild trajectory successfully launched, demonstrating it can level all its targets. It is a demonstration of Moscow's power via muted warnings to adversaries opposing the Russian army will be turned into nuclear craters.

Russian Hypersonic Weapon

Increased tensions as Russia faces NATO using Ukraine in the current conflict as a proxy; according to the Strategic Missile Force Commander Col. Gen. Sergei Karakev.

He alleged in an announcement that the Satan 2 or Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) is capable of flying over the North and South Pole in a particular flight path, reported The EurAsian Times.

Remarked that further upgrades of the Satan 2 will make it hard to stop; due to its unique characteristics.

Capable of past Mach 3+ speeds that are the fastest weapon designed; equipped with lightweight solid rocket motors and is a liquid-propellant rocket.

Gen. Karakaev said that the new Russian hyperfast ICBM would be paired with several Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV). The development of HGV, remarked the Commander, marking the start of the age of hypersonic weapons systems.

Traveling at a faster speed than supersonic, Sarmat ICBM enters space zooming up; when at the right altitude, it dives back to earth utilizing a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle with hypersonic speed and wild trajectory, noted Scientific American.

A killer combo of a hyper-fast weapon paired with an ICBM capable of great velocity that generates enough heat when re-entering earth is immune to all of US missile defense, assuring a hit in a faster time.

Russia's Threat to NATO, West

Warned NATO not to expand eastward into Europe, which is considered a threat to Russia; repeatedly warned over the past month. Russian state television had given a warning that Moscow would use its new Satan 2 ICBM to destroy the UK, citing the Washington Post.

A threat was issued to the Western alliance, Russian state television made a simulation of a nuclear attack against three capital cities in Europe, Paris, Berlin, and London, targeted by the new weapon armed with a nuclear-tipped warhead that can ash the targets in only 200 seconds.

The head of Russia's space agency has advised that the country has about 50 missiles capable of turning all foes into a nuclear crater, remarked the Daily Mail.

Claims from the Strategic Missile Force stated the Satan 2 super-fast ICBM would stay around for fifty years, a subtle warning to the US and its allies. Russian hypersonic trump card is worrisome to NATO

Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Russia's state-run space agency Roscosmos said the new ICBM is under testing through 2022 and will be ready by the fall of this year, noted Republic World.

Satan 2 can hit multiple ranges and trajectories that cannot be stopped. It gives an ace to Russia's strategic nuclear forces' fighting capabilities.

The Pentagon claims that Russia has used a dozen of them, with 15 nuclear bombs that are not very agile in flight, but the HGV makes up for that. Sarmat ICBM with hypersonic speed and wild trajectory to attack targets, gives the Kremlin an ace that NATO cannot ignore.

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