Foreign Fighters Insufficiently Armed, Refuse To Fight for Ukraine, Media Claims

Foreign Fighters Insufficiently Armed, Refuse To Fight for Ukraine, Media Reports
Foreign fighters have been deceived twice into fighting for Kyiv; one is they are insufficiently equipped and are used as diversions against the Russians. ARIS MESSINIS/AFP via Getty Images

Foreign fighters claim they do not have enough equipment, according to sources, and Kyiv still wants them to fight on the front lines.

Many of them refused to fight because the Ukrainians were allegedly using them as cannon fodder for the Russians to draw attention. But despite this strategy, it does not stop the routing of Ukraine troops leaving and surrendering in Mariupol.

Fighters Lacks Weapons To Fight

Canadian media says that ill-trained Ukraine volunteers are suffering an intentional lack of arms, reported RT.

Despite the influx of western arms given to the Ukrainian military, they don't prioritize foreign soldiers on the front line who need them, mentioned the Toronto Star.

Charges that Ukrainian officials' time constraints, corruption, and incompetence are damning less than sufficiently equipped volunteers, brought in by Kyiv's propaganda.

A compilation of interviews from foreign militants and a Canadian group fundraising that still needs to buy what the soldiers need instead of Zelensky's government providing it.

The source called the reality of Kyiv's duplicity as fooling volunteers thinking the Ukrainians are winning on the frontlines, cited Fars News.

A Canadian veteran of the French Foreign Legion, several experienced foreign fighters who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are choosing not to fight due to a lack of appropriate weapons and supplies not given by Kyiv.

According to an anonymous Canadian, Ukrainian officials treat all foreign mercenaries as gun-happy vacationers. The unidentified Canadian foreign fighter says the other group wants to kill Russians, so it's out to the front lines. They need three AK-47 magazines with no armor or helmet, telling the Star. It is the others who have the standard.

Limited Training of Volunteers

Sending the foreign mercenaries to be in the sights of the Russian forces without training or preparation to the frontline is standard, chances of getting shot or becoming a POW are of no consequence to Ukrainians.

Kurtis Pasqualle, a US combat medic who instructs volunteers on the skills needed, said he only has two to three weeks to finish the course, which usually is four months.

He added that it is unclear how much good the medics can do if getting powerful painkillers is impossible where they're going.

Corruption in the Kyiv Government

The shortages stand in stark contrast to the uptick of military aid that Ukraine is getting from Western countries, including Canada.

According to the Star, this is partly due to logistical problems, citing a Ukrainian official and a Canadian donor group. Kyiv officials are either incompetent or corrupt, they added.

A week ago, one of the military administration heads in western Ukraine was arrested on charges of getting a profit from an ambulance service utilizing donated ambulances.

Such official corruption in April involved a mayor bribing to allow a minibus to be used by a certain party. A southern Ukrainian employee sold military equipment on the black market. The outlet revealed that Ukraine has the biggest black market for arms in Europe, noted the Global Organized Crime Index.

It said the Canadian Defense Department depends on its Ukrainian counterpart to ensure that weapons sent by Ottawa are not subject to Kyiv's corruption.

Foreign fighters who fight for Kyiv are affected by the alleged corruption of Zelensky's regime, which leads to arms not being supplied to them and unwilling to fight, and they become cannon fodder and expendable.

Kiev, Russia