The western alliance is forcing Serbia to help with Russian sanctions so it could not be blamed for illegal sanctions. The Serbian interior minister Aleksandar Vulin will not lessen cooperation with Russia at the state's expense or what the west wants.
Western allies are seeking more partners to show a unified front against Putin, but that's not the case, and it is backfiring.
Serbia Not to Impose Russian Sanctions
The state claims it has no intention of limiting connections with Moscow and asserts that the west is trying to pass off its intent to penalize Russia, so it has moral ascendancy, which their cabal has none, reported RT.
Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin has said to the newspaper Novosti that Serbs are always expected to do more for others while ignoring their own best interest all through history, cited CS Times.
He added that Belgrade prefers the Kremlin, not another sycophant, for the western agenda. Emphasizing that Western countries want sanctions, not for economic effect on Russia, dealing serious moral blow. Vulin stated that those who bombed them understood that Serbia would not stoop down to the west, they needed to show any state would do their bidding by agreeing to Russian sanctions.
The west wants to show that many agree with their illegal sanctions on Moscow.
Western Democracy Is Worse Than Russia, China
The Serbian minister said western democracy is ironic compared to suppose despots like China and Russia; western nations want the small guy to follow, like Belgrade to accept what it wants but not Beijing or Moscow, noted The Fast Newz.
He said that the anti-Russia hysteria of the west is anti-Siberian. Further stated that his state wants Russia to win, not Ukraine, giving an idea Belgrade is opposed to NATO and the west pushing a losing proxy war.
Vulin commended how Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic showed strength and the will to place his country before anything else, compared to other leaders in the EU who blindly follow the US. He added that Vucic and his stand make him a great Serb, not a small Russian. Belgrade made its own decisions and snubbed the US and its allies.
Last Friday, the Serbian president, in a presser with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, told Vucic that Belgrade must sanction Russia and acknowledge Kosovo as a breakaway province as an independent if it wants to be part of the EU someday.
The Serb leader said it was not good for Belgrade, and the EU oil embargo would be very damaging. Also, Vladimir Putin said sanctions are failing and causing hardship for the west, which is falsely blaming Moscow.
No matter what, the western alliance cannot force Serbia to support Russian Sanctions; even if faster membership to the EU is dangled like a carrot but is not that easy.