Queen Elizabeth's Funeral: Why President Joe Biden Had To Sit 14 Rows Back

Queen Elizabeth's Funeral: Why President Joe Biden Had To Sit 14 Rows Back
President Joe Biden attended Queen Elizabeth's funeral but arrived late as he did not take the bus intended for heads of state. Phil Noble - WPA Pool/Getty Images

President Joe Biden, based on reports, had to sit 14 rows in the rear during Queen Elizabeth's funeral. Many VIPs were directed to take the bus to Westminster Abbey, but the US president rode in his official car.

Biden Sits Far Back at Queen Elizabeth's Funeral

Why the US president had to sit far back at the 14 rows was perplexing; he and many heads of state were there at London's Westminster Abbey to see her royal majesty Queen Elizabeth II; reported Republic World.

The President and his First Lady were seated behind the Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda.

Many attendees, up to 2,000, were there for the state funeral made up of the VIPs of the west, from politicians, famous people, and European royals, all there to pay their last respects, noted the Independent.

A royal occasion to honor the Queen after her 70-year reign, but Biden was relegated to the 14th row. Even though he was seated in the back row, Biden was in front of the prime minister of the Czech Republic and other Commonwealth nations.

Other royal families, including Japanese Emperor Naruhito, were at the frontal section while the funeral was held.

Jill Biden, the FLOTUS, was seated next to Ignazio Cassis, the current president of Switzerland.

Did the Bidens Arrive on Time?

There is conjecture as to why President Joe Biden might have been late for Queen Elizabeth's funeral, given the traffic. Regarding traffic, the VIP treatment is supposed to end, but this has not been confirmed, citing Time.

Most of the dignitaries attending the funeral of the Queen were told to take a bus to Westminster Abbey. The US president, however, opted to ride in "the Beast," a heavily fortified limousine.

As shown by reports, US President Biden was granted an "exception" towards the Royal family's stringent security suggestions, which explicitly forbids visitors from ever using state vehicles or even flying personally to England.

The US presidential limousine was still slithering past a Pret a Manger in congested areas, although the foreign officials had been ordered to take their seats in Westminster Abbey between 9:35 and 9:55 a.m., long before the funeral ceremony's official scheduled time of 11 a.m.

While everyone else was waiting as instructed and on time, a video showed Biden's limo in a traffic jam; he arrived at 10:07 a.m.

Usually, the President of the US running late for an important event means he is held up by officials waiting, but that is not the case in the event, especially at the funeral of a vital monarch like Queen Elizabeth.

The Bidens seemed to be "gently" advised to wait in queue till a seat was found for them between a line of British veterans, said a Guardian reporter. According to the source materials cited by the newspaper, Biden did not seem to mind.

A day before the funeral, he stated in the Queen's official guest book that it had been "a pleasure to meet her" and also that she did remind him of his mother.

US President Joe Biden was present at Queen Elizabeth's funeral, but he did not choose to follow the event's rules because of a concession being the US president, resulting in his late arrival at the ceremony.