Over the past two years, states and local governments have devised a wide range of stimulus programs. However, few of these specifically targeted undocumented immigrants. Washington is the only state now accepting applications to provide stimulus checks to undocumented immigrants.
The Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund is now accepting applications from undocumented immigrants in Washington affected by COVID-19, as per MENAFN. People must be above 18 and residents of Washington in order to be eligible for this assistance.
When Immigrants Could Receive Their Stimulus Checks?
Undocumented immigrants will have access to this $340 million fund that state lawmakers established in April 2021 but has been hampered by delays because they did not receive any stimulus or unemployment benefits during the outbreak.
People who qualified for federal assistance during the pandemic due of their unique immigration status, such as some refugees, asylum seekers, and DACA recipients, are not eligible for the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund, according to The Seattle Times.
Washington has now committed a total of about $467 million toward easing the difficulties on undocumented immigrants during the pandemic utilizing the most recent infusion of cash.
The executive director of the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network, or WAISN, which will oversee the implementation of the relief program, Brenda Rodrguez López, stated that undocumented immigrants have been on the front lines of our communities and economy.
Over the course of two months, around 94,000 people applied for the first round of COVID-19 relief for Washington's unauthorized immigrants in the fall of 2020. During the most recent round of relief in February 2021, organizers had to stop accepting applications after more than 60,000 did so in a short period of time. That is an indication of the unmet need, she said.
Similar funds are also run by New York, California, and Oregon, as well as by a few municipal governments, including Seattle and King County. A $17 billion program that Governor Gavin Newsom enacted a few months ago to provide tax rebates for inflation relief will help almost 23 million individuals in California.
In this way, Californians will receive stimulus checks ranging from $200 to $1,050 to aid in their battle against inflation. The size of the household, the filing status for taxes, and of course, the income will all affect how much is paid. The arrival of payments is anticipated to occur between October 2022 and January 2023, Marca reported.
Stimulus Checks to Prisoners
The American Rescue Plan, which President Joe Biden signed into law in March 2021 without any assistance from Republicans, is indisputable evidence that qualifying offenders now have access to stimulus money. The allegation implies that the estimated almost 10 million illegal immigrants in the country did not receive stimulus funding.
Under the American Rescue Plan, single taxpayers earned up to $1,400 and married couples filing jointly and making up to $150,000 were each eligible for stimulus checks totaling up to $2,800. For each dependant, a taxpayer may receive an additional $1,400.
The IRS stated that in order for taxpayers to get payment, they have to be eligible for the payments and have filed a 2019 or 2020 income tax return. The Senate Leadership Fund advertisement attacking Warnock, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber, was one of the individuals who received a stimulus payout through the American Rescue Plan.
Tsarnaev was given a death sentence in 2015 for the explosion that he and his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, carried out in April 2013. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was later killed in a shootout with police. Tsarnaev is presently being imprisoned in a federal prison in Colorado. Three people lost their lives in the bombing, while hundreds more were hurt.
His inmate account received a $1,400 economic effect payment in June 2021, according to court records. But he didn't get to keep it, despite what the Republican claims indicate, as per Pan Asia Biz.