
New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Gets Brutally Honest on Liz Truss 'Mistakes' That Led to Economic Turmoil

New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Gets Brutally Honest on Liz Truss ‘Mistakes’ That Led to Economic Turmoil
Rishi Sunak, the new UK prime minister, vows to rectify the "mistakes" Liz Truss had made. Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

In his first statement as UK's prime minister, Rishi Sunak pledged to correct "mistakes" done under Liz Truss's leadership and spoke of "difficult decisions" to come.

Sunak promised to reestablish confidence and foster trust as he guided the UK through "a grave economic catastrophe." Sunak also promised to deliver the platform that helped the Conservatives win the 2019 election by a landslide.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Vows to Fix Liz Truss' Mistakes

He made his remarks outside No. 10 following King Charles III's appointment of him as PM. Sunak, the first British Asian prime minister, named his cabinet this afternoon after warning Tory MPs to band together or risk losing their majority in the next election.

Grant Shapps was appointed business secretary, Dominic Raab was reinstated as deputy prime minister, and Jeremy Hunt remained chancellor in a significant upheaval. Per BBC, there was no need for a vote among Tory members because a sizable majority of MPs supported Sunak for the leadership and his lone remaining competitor Penny Mordaunt withdrew.

Opposition parties reiterated their call for a quick general election after Sunak's address and claimed the public had not given Sunak a mandate. The rocky premiership of Liz Truss came to an end on Monday with Rishi Sunak's effective coronation as Tory leader, only 49 days after she assumed office.

A No. 10 source emphasized on Tuesday that the new Cabinet showed "continuity" and "a unified party." In his remarks, Sunak initially complimented his predecessor's initiative before categorically stating that she had made mistakes that he would fix. The mini-Budget's which led to interest rate increases, market turmoil, and a significant decline in the Tories' support in the polls, was reflected in the remarks, according to Telegraph via MSN.

Sunak Reshuffles Cabinet Members

However, Labor will want to take advantage of Sunak's willingness to acknowledge mistakes made by his own party when in power in the upcoming months. The somber statement was delivered shortly after Liz Truss announced her resignation as prime minister in her own Downing Street address, which made no specific mention of any mistakes committed while in government.

The principles of unity and experience in his new Downing Street team, which did retain some senior figures from Truss's original cabinet, were at the center of Rishi Sunak's reshuffle. She also cited the Roman philosopher Seneca, who said, "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."

Business Secretary Rees-Mogg, the former leader of the House of Commons, is one of the Cabinet members who has already resigned. He said he was glad to assist the new prime minister from the backbenches but acknowledged he would not be given a position in the new top team, The Independent reported.

One of the longest-serving cabinet members, Brandon Lewis, announced his resignation as justice secretary and promised to help Sunak from the opposition benches. The government may become "more boring" under the incoming prime minister's leadership, but senior Tory MP Huw Merriman believes "that's what people want" because "we've had enough excitement."


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