Meghan Thee Stallion testified to jurors on Tuesday that Tory Lanez yelled, "Dance, b****!" before shooting her in the feet during a roadside assault in July 2020, her voice quivering with emotion.
Despite this, she kept her composure and gazed straight ahead. Around 11:15 a.m., the 'Savage' rapper entered the witness stand and pointed out Lanez in the courtroom, saying she hadn't known him "that long" prior to the contentious night at the center of the prominent case.
Meghan Thee Stallion Testimony
Megan Thee Stallion claimed in her sworn statement that she met Tory Lanez, whose true name is Daystar Peterson, at a pool party at Kylie Jenner's residence where there was alcohol consumption.
Per Rolling Stone, she claimed that he "had an attitude" when he finally consented to leave the party so that she and her friend Kelsey Harris could catch a ride home. When Megan Thee Stallion re-entered the car, she claimed that Peterson and Harris were yelling at one another at "the top of their voices."
Megan Thee Stallion once more requested to exit the vehicle as they drew closer to Megan Thee Stallion's house after Smith took a side street. She claimed that when Tory Lanez disparaged her rap career, she did the same to him, making him even more furious.
At this point, Peterson's attorney George Mgdesyan objected, but the court allowed the answer to remain on the record.
The defense is anticipated to argue that Megan was not facing the shooter, making her allegation that she saw Peterson fire unreliable because her primary injury was located close to the rear of her left foot.
Megan Thee Stallion stated once more that she "froze" after seeing "Tory holding the gun." She claimed that after that, things became "fuzzy," though she remembered Peterson "apologizing" in the car when they heard the police sirens.
Then, Megan Thee Stallion claimed she lied to the police by saying she walked on glass in her statement. When asked why she didn't reveal the truth, Megan explained that there were two reasons.
Megan described how Lanez "apologized" and begged her not to speak up after shooting her in her sworn testimony. "You all get a million dollars from me. I cannot be imprisoned. I've already been busted with a gun."
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Tory Lanez Files Not Guilty Plea
Megan's testimony was quietly observed by Peterson, 30, who also took meticulous notes. His young boy was seated in the gallery behind him and was clothed in a suit.
In the well-known case, the 'Luv' rapper has entered a not guilty plea to three felony charges: assault with a handgun resulting in substantial bodily harm; hiding a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle; and the most recent accusation of discharging a firearm with gross carelessness.
'The Alone at Prom' artist may spend 22 years and 8 months in prison if found guilty as charged, followed by deportation because he is a Canadian citizen. When Megan is put to the witness later this week, Harris is anticipated to largely confirm Megan's testimony, the prosecution said in opening comments on Monday for the first time.
The early morning hours of July 12, 2020, according to Los Angeles County Assistant District Attorney Alexander Bott, Lanez, Megan Thee Stallion, and her former friend and assistant, Kelsey Harris, left a pool party together in a Cadillac Escalade being driven by Lanez employee Jauquan Smith, who had brought a handgun.
Mgdesyan claimed that Megan Thee Stallion became envious at the party after observing Lanez making out with her friend, Kylie Jenner and that he didn't want to leave. He also claimed that Kris Jenner's fiancé, Corey Gamble, would provide testimony to support this claim.
Mgdesyan continued, "Lanez then allegedly revealed to both women that he had slept with the other, and Harris got upset because Megan Thee Stallion had previously engaged in sexual activity with her purported love interests, including rapper DaBaby and Brooklyn Nets player Ben Simmons."
This allegedly caused the fight to continue in the car. According to TMZ, Simmons appears to have denied having any involvement with the case. In a song published in September, DaBaby claimed to have slept with Megan Thee Stallion before the shooting.
DaBaby and Megan Thee Stallion had previously collaborated, but they later fell out over his public support for Lanez. The defense team for Lanez also asserts that Harris, who was dressed in a swimming suit, attacked Megan Thee Stallion first while implying that she was the shooter and had gunshot wounds on her hands.
The gunshot residue, according to the prosecution, was left behind because Harris jumped out of the car to help her buddy after the shooting. On Tuesday, Megan Thee Stallion was scheduled to give a testimony regarding the event.
Lanez has entered a not-guilty plea to the charges of assault with a semiautomatic weapon, personal use of a weapon, deliberate discharge of a weapon, and careless discharge of a weapon. If found guilty, he may be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison and deported. As per Oxygen.
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