A deranged Queen's dad lost it as he slammed the accelerator, rammed his wife, and stabbed her to finish her off. Before committing the crime, the father warned his three sons to strap in their seatbelts for safety before colliding the car with the victim.
Queens Dad Brutally Tries To Kill Estranged Wife
The attack happened on Wednesday when he decided to mow his wife with his kids witnessing the horrific crime, according to prosecutors, reported NY Daily News.
Accused is the driver of the 2005 white Ford Explorer, Stephen Giraldo, 36, an MTA bus driver, who hit his wife with a vehicle and then jumped out from the flipped vehicle to knife her dead. Giraldo then called 911 and admitted to killing his wife, remarked prosecutors last Wednesday at a Queen's court arraignment. He is held without bail.
When NYPD officers came to arrest him, he did not resist and said that he struck his wife and was arrested in body cam footage recorded on the spot.
Sophia Giraldo, the wife of the deranged driver, suffered several injuries, including severe neurological damage. She is now in a vegetable state and not survive, stated court prosecutors. She was a host of a podcast about domestic violence and even told detail of her husband's abuse, noted Sports Yahoo.
Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz commented on the sheer cruelty of how he attacked her, and he did it with their children watching the carnage done on their mother is sheer outrage.
The couple separated after their toxic marriage of 13 years, as described by Sophia. His estranged wife, 41, posted on Facebook that she was in a marriage of betrayal and abuse.
Sources relate when he loaded their children in the SUV and went to his estranged wife's flat on Parsons Blvd. near Franklin Ave., located in Flushing, to bring them to her. Stephen Giraldo waited in the vehicle until she appeared at 5:20 a.m. last Tuesday. He was caught by video when a trash bag was removed from the front, then called his ex-spouse to let her know he was there, citing Seattle Times.
When she was exposed in the open, he slammed on the gas and bumped her. The impact was hard enough to send her over a fence and the vehicle to flip to its side. Scrambling fast over his eldest boy in the front passenger seat, Giraldo rushes out of the tumbled SUV. He got a knife and stabbed his wife in the chest, said Assistant District Attorney Audra Beerman.
The couple was getting a divorce about four months prior in court documents.
MTA Suspends Queens Dad as He Is Charged for the Crime
Most of the details of the criminal charge against Stephen Giraldo came from the boys 11, 9, and 6; the eldest gave the details. The father then got all three out of the car and called 911, as none of the children were hurt.
The authorities found the knife used to stab the victim 15 feet from the SUV, and the woman was covered in her blood.
Sophia is in critical condition with several injuries, and Stephen is on suicide watch and under observation. The suspect is charged with attempted murder, assault, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment, and endangering the welfare of a child.
A deranged Queens dad guilty of ramming and stabbing his wife is having the case heard in court.
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