A particular study found that breaking the light-speed barrier allows specific effects like time getting unpredictable and moving faster than superluminal speeds.
Breaking Light-Speed Barrier Violates Universal Rule
Nothing can exceed faster than light, and it's a basic rule of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. Any object gaining extreme velocity will look like time stopping, reported Science Alert.
Now try to break limits, then time reverses in on itself, muddling ideas of consequence too.
Two universities in Warsaw and Singapore have an idea for a loophole that keeps Einsteinian physic intact. Also, it opens new doors for more ideas about how the light speed constant is intact despite getting muddled, noted Science Springs.
Time Could Get Unpredictable
An extension of special relativity was devised that includes a three-dimensional aspect and a single space dimension compared to a 3-D spatial dimension and one dimension, as usual, 1 Dimension+ 3 space-time.
This study tries to back up evidence without breaking the present laws of physics instead of making more confusion that will not solve anything. The study wants more proof to back up how particles can go faster than light without completely breaking our current laws of physics.
Physicist Andrzej Dragan, from the University of Warsaw in Poland, added that going faster than light can exclude getting affected by it, citing Phys Org.
The concepts of this new study follow that superluminal perspectives could help tie together quantum mechanics with Einstein's special theory of relativity.
It is challenging to connect quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. Particles are not point-like objects based on the framework, as they are considered 3-D and the time of the cosmos.
Determining a faster-than-light particle and how it moves should refer to field concepts related to quantum particle behavior.
In the model, faster than light objects that expand like a wave, but the particle would be experiencing three temporal realities at one moment. But it would retain light speed as constant while surroundings are speeding up. It keeps on a tenet that says viewers are slowing down.
Dagan points out that it keeps Einstein's idea of light speed even in a vacuum for FTL observers. But scientists think that a 1+3 space-time model includes complexities with some answers. Extend the theory of special relativity to have faster than light-speed. It means that quantum field theory will be part of it.
Should physicists be correct, the universal particles would be very special via extended relativity. The research queries of the phenomena would be seen, but it will take time for scientists to answer.
The University of Warsaw physicist Krzysztof Turzyski added that the experimental discovery of a brand-new subatomic particle is certainly worthy of the Nobel Prize and is conceivable in a large research group employing cutting-edge experimental methods, IOP Science.
Breaking the light speed barrier so that time gets unpredictable in relation to standard physics needs to be investigated.
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