
Russia Conducts Attack Drills with Ka-29 Helicopters Directed at Japan-NATO Alliance

Russia, Conducts, Attack, Drills, Ka-29, Helicopters, Directed, Japan, NATO, Alliance
The Russian Navy used the Ka-29 helicopters in specialized military drills on simulated 'enemy positions' as directed at the Japan-NATO alliance. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

The Ka-29 Helicopters are seen in attack drills shooting guns and rockets on imaginary positions occupied by Japan-NATO that would be a future scenario. The exercise in far eastern Kamchatka, north of the contested Kuril Islands located in the Sea of Okhotsk, Japan Sea, noted Peninsula Qatar.

Japan-NATO Object of Attack Drills

After NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Japanese PM Fumio Kishida in Tokyo, he called out Russia and China's threats to US international doctrine rules-based order, noted CBS.

NATO and the JDF declare they oppose increased military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing, which conduct joint drills close to Japanese coastal areas. Only on the second occasion that Russian forces attacked islands and coastal locations, in September 2022, it was part of the Vostok-2022 military activity, citing Japan News.

These exercises are held in the far east, where Russian forces stop and destroy hypothetical forces, keeping them off the Kunashiri (Kunashir) and Etorofu (Iturup) of Russia's North Territories. Moscow has possession of these islands that Tokyo claims as part of Hokkaido.

Ka-29 Helicopters' Role in Possible Conflict

The Western military bloc and the JDF are plotting to seize control of this volcanic island chain that delineates the Okhotsk Sea and the Pacific Ocean to hamper the Russian Navy. It gives all-year-round access to the strait in the Kunashir and Iturup.

Historically the two nations have not ended war formally after World War 2. But in 1956, the USSR took to return Shitokan and Habomai islands under treaty conditions, reported Eurasian Times.

Detail from TASS stated that three crews of the Ka-29 and combat gunships were on a path to support a siege by the Pacific Fleet Marine Corps units of the Russian Navy. Air support to set up a front and destroy a mocked enemy entrenched, armed with unguided rockets and a 7.62mm machine gun, the autocannon to strafe and kill. Smoke indicators signal enemy concentrations. Moscow might not allow JDF and NATO units to occupy, and both are fighting in Ukraine.

Russia Will Not Allow the West To Occupy Its Territory

Experts see that Moscow will not it the US, NATO, and JDF get an inch in the east as the US sets NATO allies and Tokyo openly provokes China and North Korea. It alarms the US and its allies that last year's drills by China and Russia make it hard to control the region. Forces of Moscow and Beijing are united, and Washington dares not face both forces alone, especially armed with hypersonic weapons and long-range bombers.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is a sign to Tokyo due to the Kurils stated Moscow. Moscow-based foreign affairs analyst Andrew Korybko said Russia is not reckless enough to attack Japan. He stressed no plan exists for a conflict.

Parties will not start a conflict caused by crossed red lines, but the military reactions due to exercises are a danger. The greatest threat comes from the US-China tension over Taiwan, its Washington causing provocations, even drawing Pyongyang into a wider conflict.

The Russian Ka-29 helicopter in attack drills against a mock Japan-NATO force has been linked to the US hegemonic strategy, connecting Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific.

Tech, Military, Russia, Russian
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