Accused of abusing and killing his wife is a former North Carolina Police officer who later shoots himself in a murder-suicide.Pitty County police said William Oscar Small, 62, and Heather Davenport Small, 44, his spouse, were found dead.
Former North Carolina Police Officer Kills Wife
Details about the crime scene have been revealed, which showed that no intruder killed them. Findings from the autopsy done of the bodies found at the crime scene is a murder-suicide, noted a Twitter post. The suspect has been determined to be William, and Heather is his victim.
Based on details that reveal when the authorities entered their home to find both dead in Pitt county, reported Meaww. A statement released said the dual gunshot wounds to the cop's chest were inflicted by himself.
Sources claim some facts that were part of the case relating to the couple's deaths. A total of four shots were aimed at the victim, killing her, and the cop got two-point black shots. The investigator stated that two fatal bullet wounds were aimed at the chest, showing the victim did not fire them.
Suspect Had History of Abusing the Victim
The history of Small is not squeaky clean as he was charged with domestic abuse committed against his spouse, cited People. Included in the release from the sheriff's office is the suspect, who was an on-and-off abuser for twenty years. Directing his aggression which his spouse had to suffer on and off.
The perpetrator of the murder-suicide had served in the military and later in law enforcement which contradicted his image as a marital abuser. The deceased man's obituary is about service in the Marines with a stint as an ex-Greenville police officer.
She served as a police officer in Greenville spanning 1994 to 2000, noted sources. Heather is also a police officer starting in 1998, but the force in Pitt County was dissolved later.
But the victim shifted to the medical field as Clinical Adjunct Nursing Instructor at the local community college, which was mentioned in her obituary. Those who the victim described her as easygoing and forgiving to everybody. Others called her needed and will be missed by acquaintances.
Their unexpected deaths left several children that prompted support via a GoFundMe by those concerned.
Another Murder-Suicide case involving officers
Another case involved two officers from Detroit, identified as Matthew Ethington II, 26, and Maria Martin, 22, who were discovered dead last Sunday. On Sunday last, February 19, a couple found a home in Livonia, Michigan, per Fox2.
The two were a couple killed in what seemed to be a fight between the two, which ended in a murder-suicide. Investigators looked at the crime scene and concluded it was another murder-suicide.
Probers said Maria got shot more than once by Matthew, who used his gun to kill himself. Like the Smalls, the victim was killed, but the shooter chose to end their life on the spot.
A Former North Carolina Police officer murders his wife and shoots himself in a tragic murder-suicide in Pitty County, leaving several children. It had similarities to the Detroit case with similar circumstances,
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