A Michigan jury acquitted three men on Friday of state charges related to the alleged attempt to kidnap state Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020.
The decision capped multiple legal proceedings that focused on right-wing extremism and the dangers that are looming over the country's political leaders. The not-guilty verdicts on the suspects were read out in a northern Michigan courtroom.
Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot
The development comes after a two-week trial that involved Eric Molitor and twin brothers William Null and Michael Null. All three defendants faced charges of providing material support for a terrorist act and illegally possessing firearms.
After the jury announced the verdict, the people inside the courtroom gasped while the three defendants cried and hugged their supporters. State prosecutors argued during the trial that Molitor and the Null brothers participated in military-style drills and cased Whitmer's vacation property located in Antrim County in northern Michigan.
The attempted kidnapping of the official, which the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) informants helped disrupt, involved plans to capture the governor at her home, detonate a bridge, and ignite an armed rebellion ahead of the 2020 presidential election, as per the Washington Post.
On the other hand, attorneys for 39-year-old Molitor and the 41-year-old twin Null brothers, argued that the three defendants did not actively take part in the kidnap plot and did not consider it to be a serious threat to the governor.
Both Molitor and WIlliam testified in their defense and the latter told jurors that he wanted to call the police when he overheard others talking about getting their hands on explosives. He said that the situation seemed to be getting serious and he was not sure if it was actually going to happen.
The acquittals of the defendants followed several other trials where suspects were convicted of their roles in the kidnapping plot of Whitmer. Other defendants were also found to be members of Wolverine Watchmen, a far-right paramilitary group.
Acquitted Defendants
Assistant Attorney General William Rollstin said during closing arguments on Wednesday that the defendants were going to help the plot leaders "bring terrorism to Antrim County." He also told the jury that if they were going to help somebody, even knowing that they planned a terrorist attack, it would be the wrong decision, according to ABC News.
William Barnett, Molitor's defense attorney, said that the state's case against his client is weak, while also accusing the prosecutors of trying to mislead the jurors in their presentation of evidence. He noted that the situation was simply a good story that they did not want to back out of.
The kidnap plot against Whitmer involved eight men who were charged on the state level while another six were indicted on federal charges. In the end, nine suspects were convicted or pleaded guilty while five others were acquitted.
In a statement, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that the government's efforts in the case undoubtedly resulted in many lives being saved. She added that while the verdicts were not what they had hoped for, the successes that had been achieved throughout all of the cases sent a clear message.
In 2020, authorities alleged that the involved parties conspired with others to "unlawfully seize, kidnap, abduct, and carry away, and hold for ransom and reward" the governor. During the case, defense attorneys sometimes maintained an entrapment defense, said CNN.