The war in Israel is just getting worse. Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, made huge headlines after its terrorist attack on Saturday, Oct. 7.
Some people may think that this terrorist organization is the main enemy of Israel. But, the truth is, the Hamas is only the tip of the iceberg in the worsening war in the Middle East.
Worsening Israel Conflict: Hamas Is Just Tip of Iceberg
According to Blitz, the gruesome terrorist strike of Hamas marked the start of a relentless barrage of rockets fired at Israel.
Aside from Hamas, another Iranian proxy called Hezbollah joined the ongoing conflict in the Middle Eastern nation. This group is considered to be more substantial than Hamas because it has high-precision rockets that can hit any target in Israel.
Hezbollah, along with the Ansar Allah Houthi Movement, the Afghan Taliban, and Iraqi militias, expressed solidarity with the terrorist activities of the Hamas.
What's shocking about this ongoing conflict is that these groups are even encouraging other Middle Eastern nations to open their sea and land routes so they can conquer Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, some leaders of Iran-backed militias in Iraq also praised the recent deadly operation of the Hamas group. These include Al-Nujaba' Movement leader Akram Al-Ka'abi.
Abu Alaa' Al-Wala'i, leader of the Sayyid Al-Shuhada' Brigades, also said that they support the Palestinian factions, promising that they will assist these terrorist groups to destroy Israel.
All these groups that want to destroy Israel clearly show that the war in the Middle Eastern country is a very serious one. But, the question is, should the U.S. continue getting supporting the Israeli nation?
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Should US Continue Aiding Israel?

There are many reasons why the U.S. government wants to continue supporting Israel in the ongoing war against Hamas and other terrorist groups.
One of these is that Israel serves as a frontline defense against threats that come from the Middle East. Another reason is that the Israeli nation is considered to be a thriving hub of technology and innovation, making it critical for numerous industries.
PBS reported that the Israeli government officially declared a war, allowing its forces to take significant military countermeasures against Hamas and its other enemies.
This means that the war could worsen once Israel seriously retaliates against them. This is why the U.S. is continuing to support the Middle Eastern country while acting as a neutralizer between Israel and its foes.