Doctor Dad Who Drove Family off California Cliff Suffered Psychotic Break: Witnesses

Dharmesh Patel drove his Tesla off a cliff with his wife and children inside. Everyone survived

Two doctors testified that the physician who drove his car off a California cliff with his wife and children inside was suffering from a "psychotic break" at the time.

They all survived.

Dharmesh Patel is charged with three counts of attempted murder after he drove his Tesla off of a cliff last year at Deviil's Slive on Highway 1 near half Moon Bay.

Two doctors testified for the defense that Patel was experiencing a psychotic episode and reportedly believed that his children might be sex trafficked.

Patel is seeking a determination of a "mental health diversion" in his case, according to the Los Angeles Times. That would allow him to be released from jail for treatment and the charges against him would be dropped if he stays out of trouble for two years.

Prosecutors opposed that plan.

They say that the prosecution's doctor found Patel is suffering from schizoaffective disorder, and that the proposed treatment plan will not be effective.

California, Crime