Dog rescued from illegal breeding operation
(Photo : TMX)
22 dogs and puppies were rescued on Thursday in Missouri

The Humane Society of Missouri's Animal Cruelty Task Force rescued 22 dogs seized from an unlicensed breeder Thursday morning.

The Gasconade County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Thursday that after a "lengthy investigation" it executed a search warrant on the 1700 block of Highway H near Hermann. The facility at that location, Coonies Coonhounds, was breeding the dogs for sale.

According to the Humane Society of Missouri, the team rescued one dog from the same property last week. The dog had an ear infection, "wounds both old and new," and was severely underweight due to dehydration and malnutrition. A dead puppy was also seen on the property prior to Thursday's seizure.

Of the 22 dogs rescued Thursday, several are puppies ranging from five days to six months old. All of the dogs were malnourished, and suffering from a range of problems "from wounds to respiratory issues," the Human Society said.

"These dogs lived in horrific conditions, and had we not intervened, many more may not have survived," HSMO President Kathy Warnick said in a statement. "We are grateful for the alert actions of the Gasconade County Sheriff and their assistance in helping us rescue these animals from such a dangerous and heart-breaking situation. Now that they are safe, community support is critical to ensure these dogs receive the care and treatment they deserve and a new chance for a better life with a loving family."

The rescued dogs, most of which are large-breed coonhound mixes, were transported to HSMO's Macklind headquarters in St. Louis for emergency veterinary care.

A hearing to determine whether HSMO will assume legal custody of the dogs was scheduled for June 10. If the organization is awarded custody, the dogs will be made available for adoption once they receive a clean bill of health from veterinarians and an animal behavior team.

-With reporting from TMX.