Nearly $500,000 Raised for Family of Connecticut State Trooper Who Was Killed on the Job

State Trooper Aaron Pelletier leaves behind a wife and two nsons

Aaron Pelletier
Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier died Thursday when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver during a traffic stop. GoFundMe

Nearly $500,000 has been raised for the family of Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier, who was killed in the line of duty last Thursday.

Pelletier, 34, died when he was hit by a passing pickup truck on Interstate 84 East while standing outside a car he had pulled over.

The well-respected member of the Connecticut State Police leaves behind his wife, Danielle, and two young sons, Troy and Zachary.

A Go Fund Me page set up for the family by the Connecticut State Police Troop describes the fallen officer as an amazing father, husband, and friend whose life was tragically cut short.

"Aaron will never be forgotten and will be remembered fondly by everyone who knew him. Rest in peace, brother; we will take it from here," wrote his fellow officers.

Killed, Connecticut, Hit and run, Traffic stop, Wife, Kids, Family, Friends, Officers, GoFundMe