Former Army Doctor Duct Taped Wife to Pole and Beat Her: 'I’m Going to Shatter Your Face'
(Photo : Fairfax County Police)
In 2023, Dr. Drew Steiner, 61, was convicted of abduction with intent to defile, malicious wounding, and attempted rape for an attack and sexual assault attempt on his spouse at their Springfield, Virginia, home in 2020.

A former U.S. Army doctor who threatened to "shatter" his wife's face while duct-taping her to a pole in their basement and beating her will spend the next three decades in prison.

In 2023, Dr. Drew Steiner, 61, was convicted of abduction with intent to defile, malicious wounding, and attempted rape for an attack and sexual assault attempt on his spouse at their Springfield, Virginia, home in 2020.

On Friday, Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano announced Steiner was sentenced to 30 years behind bars for the crimes committed.

The victim testified she attempted to fight back while her husband beat her. As she armed herself with an aerosol can, Steiner told her, "If you use that I'm going to shatter your face, and you know that I will," WRC-TV reported

Steiner then dragged her to their basement and duct-taped her to a post. The victim broke free and ran to a neighbor's house for help.

Steiner was already serving a 10-year prison sentence for the 2020 rape and videotaping of a woman he met online.

Upon release, Steiner will be forced to register as a sex offender and will be subject to three years of supervision.