Movie Prop Causes Bomb Scare in Georgia

'And the Academy Award for best prop goes to…..this fake bomb'

Bomb prop
A public works employee found the prop and called police thinking it was real. Roswell Police Department

A city employee in Georgia on Tuesday found what appeared to be a bomb, but turned out to be a discarded movie prop, police said.

A public works employee in the City of Roswell, about 20 miles north of Atlanta, found what looked like an explosive device in a neighborhood off Old Alabama Road on Tuesday, according to the Roswell Police Department.

"They did exactly what we would hope anyone would do in this situation and immediately called the police," police wrote on Facebook alongside a photo of the device, which included a bundle of brown sticks connected by red wires to an electronic timer.

Police officers and an explosive ordnance K-9 detection team responded to the scene, and quickly discovered it was not a bomb at all. According to police, the device was a movie prop thrown in the trash by a resident who works in the film industry.

"To prevent any further confusion, the prop was disassembled before being returned to the cinematic trash alongside Sharknado 4," police joked.

"While this was thankfully a false alarm, it perfectly illustrates the principle of 'see something, say something'," police said. "If you ever come across anything suspicious, don’t delay, call us right away!"

They added, "And the Academy Award for best prop goes to.....this fake bomb."

-With TMX

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