Bar in Trump's Home State Pokes Fun at His Assassination Attempt. People Weren't Laughing

It was met with multiple threats of violence, protests and negative Yelp reviews

Bar in Trump's Home State Pokes Fun At His Assassination Attempt
The sign outside Harry’s Banana Farm in Lake Worth Beach, Florida, read: "How do you miss a head that's that inflated?" YouTube/WPTV-TV

A bar in Donald Trump's new home state of Florida is under fire after it poked fun at Saturday's assassination attempt of the former president.

The sign outside Harry's Banana Farm in Lake Worth Beach, Florida, read: "How do you miss a head that's that inflated?" in reference to the failed assassination of Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, according to WPTV-TV.

Less than 24 hours after general manager Lou De Stout posted the sign, he took it down.

"You know, that sign is meant to be humorous, and I thought it was just another humorous sign but apparently it struck a nerve," De Stout, who said he was exercising his free speech, told the station.

"To be honest with you, I (create) the sign and I try to make it timely, topical, humorous and do it [in] 10 words or less," he explained. "I go [with] whatever is the hot topic and as soon as that happened to Trump I knew that's all that everybody was going to be talking to for the next two weeks."

The "humorous" sign did not have the reaction he was hoping for, and was instead met with multiple threats of violence, protests and negative Yelp reviews.

"After a while, I thought... I can't have my staff being threatened for the things that I do, it's not fair to them," De Stout said. "Some of them are young girls. They have young kids, and it's a great staff here and I didn't want to put them in harm's way."

De Stout replaced the controversial sign with, "Yeah, for Trump, so happy for him, you crazy bastards happy."

Patrons said Harry's has been known for its provocative signs that take aim at every side.

"The sign was a little bit tasteless, but that's how Harry's is," Billy Hart said. "Harry's always does that, they roast both sides, all forms of government every step of it, including council members locally."

Donald Trump, Assassination, Florida
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