Charles isn't happy about Harry, Meghan's faux royal tour to Colombia: Report

The trip highlights the lack of high-level palace-provided security for the prince and his family both abroad and in the nation of his birth

Harry and Meghan to embark on royal tour to Columbia
Prince Harry and wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, disembark from their plane following their arrival in Dubbo 2018. DEAN LEWINS/AFP via Getty Images

King Charles III is reportedly less than thrilled about the upcoming planned "faux" royal tour of Colombia by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's mini-foreign tours, such as their recent visit to Nigeria, are considered disruptive to royal planners, particularly since they have stepped aside from royal duties.

But there are also fears that the couple may also be placing themselves in harm's way without adequate security with trips both abroad and in the UK, reports the Daily Beast.

The idea of the couple even visiting the UK and making appearances without prior approval from the palace is causing significant concern for the king and his aides, according to the Beast.

And Colombia, one of the nations with the highest murder rates in the world, is an unexpected choice for a tour abroad.

Prince Harry blames his father for not providing adequate protection for his family both in his birthplace and abroad. But palace sources have insisted the decision is out of the king's hands, notes the Beast.

A royal source disclosed to the media outlet that it's "well-established" that "security provision is not decided on by the king" but by the government.

"For the king himself to attempt to intervene directly in this process in any way would be wholly inappropriate," the source noted

However, a Sussex source also insisted: "If the king wanted, he could do this for his son."

Currently, Harry, like any other high-profile visitor seeking police protection, has to give 28 days notice to the British security forces of an intended visit to the UK, as well as the locations he plans to visit by presenting a detailed itinerary of the trip.

As for the trip to Colombia, a former courtier said: "This tour may well have the noblest intentions, but it is clearly not being carried out on behalf of Britain, and yet they still basically portray themselves as British royals. It shows you exactly why the royals want these two kept as far away as possible."

The argument over protection has reportedly led to the complete breakdown of Charles' and Harry's relationship.

Prince harry, Columbia, Protection