‘The Walking Dead’ Comic Book: Robert Kirkman has Outline for Next 200 Issues; Spoilers for Issue 123

Robert Kirkman is not only busy executive producing the hit AMC show "The Walking Dead" but he's also hard at work writing the "Walking Dead" comic books. Issue #123 was released on Mar. 12, with Issue 124 set for Mar. 26.

While answering a fan's question in the letter column of 123, Kirkman revealed that he has outlined the next 200 issues.

"I do have a rough outline for the next 200 issues or so," he wrote, Comicbook.com reports. "But I also come up with things on the fly and push storylines back to accommodate... all that time, that's how you get roughly 200 issues of story backlogged."

That's a whole lot of comic books he has yet to write which means Kirkman has a lot of twists and turns up his sleeve for the beloved characters. Warning: spoilers ahead for Issue 123.

The comics are still focusing on Team Negan vs. Team Rick in the "All Out War" drama. The end of Issue 123 was a definite cliffhanger and left Rick in really bad shape. Negan ordered his group to attack Rick and his team and Dwight ends up shooting Rick with an arrow. Luckily for Rick, the arrow hits him in his side, however Negan made his men dip their arrows in walker gore.

If Dwight followed instructions and covered his arrow in zombie blood and guts that could mean Rick is a goner. Of course, there is the possibility that Dwight shot Rick with a "clean" arrow. Fans will have to wait until Mar. 26 to find out what happens.

Because Kirkman has a plan for the next 200 episodes that could mean that the popular AMC show will stay on air for a long, long time. As of right now, the TV show is in line with comic book Issue 53.

Are you excited to know that Robert Kirkman has a plan for the 200 comic book issues?