Oscar Pistorius Scared Reeva Steenkamp, Text Messages Show

Reeva Steenkamp, the slain girlfriend of Oscar Pistorius texted him saying that he scared her sometimes, the court heard Monday.

As the high-profile murder trial entered its fourth week, the prosecutors produced text messages retrieved from the cell phones of the double-amputee athlete and the FHM model found shot dead in the bathroom.

Francois Moller, a South African Police Captain, testified about the cell phone messages. He said he was successful in extracting around 35,000 pages worth of texts from 29-year-old Steenkamp's phone. Around 90 percent of the messages were loving in nature but some were revealing.

One of the messages sent by Steenkamp dated Jan. 27, 2013, read, "I was not flirting with anyone today I feel sick that you suggested that." Another message stated that she was scared of Pistorius at times. "I'm scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me and how you will react to me," reports BBC.

The texts showed that Pistorius was somewhat short-tempered. Steenkamp's messages to Pistorius also hinted that he was insecure about the relationship. "U are very quick to act cold and offish when you're unhappy... every 5 seconds i hear how u dated another chick," she wrote in another January message, reports abc NEWS.

A message sent on Feb. 8, 2013, stated that she needed protection from him. "I can't be attacked by outsiders for dating you and be attacked by you - the one person I deserve protection from." In his response to her messages, Pistorius apologized for his behavior saying that he was tired, sick and hungry.

The prosecution tried to get access to Pistorius' phone. He said that he had forgotten the password to his phone.

Earlier in the day, witness Anette Stipp testified saying she heard screams and gunshots around 3 a.m.in the morning of the day Steenkamp was killed. Previous witnesses said that they heard a woman's screams. To this, the defense lawyers said it might have been Pistorius whose screams were mistaken for a woman's. However, Stipp said that she was sure that the screams were of a woman.

She also said that there was light in the bathroom where Steenkamp was killed. The statement contradicts Pistorius' evidence that stated that it was 'pitch dark' when the shots were fired, reports BBC.

Pistorius pled not guilty against the charges of murdering Steenkamp last Valentine's Day. He said that he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder.