One Week In Sales, HTC One (M8) Struggles To Win Many Hearts; Company Optimistic about Future Sales

HTC One (M8) has failed to win as many buyers as its predecessor HTC One did last year but the company expects better sales following broader availability.

HTC, one of the biggest smartphone making companies, is known to make the finest premium handsets in the Android market, but blame it on luck, the company fails to win against its biggest rivals Apple and Samsung. Nevertheless, the Taiwanese smartphone maker has some plans up its sleeve to turn things around. Firstly, the tech giant launched the HTC One (M8) soon after the phone's debut at a press event in New York, last month. It was clearly a smart move to win over early shoppers before Samsung again takes the limelight when the Galaxy S5 hits the market April 11.

An analytics company managed pull up the sales report of the HTC One (M8) and found not-so-impressive statistics. According to a report by Chitika Insights, HTC One (M8) only accounted for 0.1 percent of all HTC models during the first week sales. The new HTC flagship made only a fraction of the first-gen HTC One sales during its first week, which represented 1 percent of all HTC phones.

HTC, on the other hand, is content with the initial response and is expecting big from the future. In a response tweet by HTC America President Jason Mackenzie the broader availability of the handset will attract more buyers. "Important note: M8 doesn't launch until Apr/11 w/ full retail. Contrary to report, we are very satisfied w/ initial results," Mackenzie wrote.

@BGR @bzigterman Important note: M8 doesn't launch until Apr/11 w/ full retail. Contrary to report, we are very satisfied w/ initial results

- Jason Mackenzie (@JasonMacHTC) April 4, 2014

The HTC One (M8) will be available next Friday, but is currently offered in Verizon retail stores. The smartphone is available through all major carriers online.

So far, HTC One (M8) is struggling to achieve the benchmark set by its own predecessors. HTC, as a company, ranks third in the global smartphones race. According to Chitika Insights, Samsung is the most dominant smartphone maker with 61.7 percent market share, Business Insider reports. In comparison, HTC represents less than 6 times Samsung's share in the market standing at third position with 8.4 percent. LG, however, is ahead of HTC and Motorola, which share the same ranking, with 10.3 percent. Other tech companies like ZTE, Google, Huawei among others, represent anywhere between 0-3 percent. Apple and Nokia are excluded in the analysis as it only compiles data of Android smartphones.

One, Week, Sales, Htc, M8, Struggles, Win, Many, Company