'Star Wars Episode 7' Plot: Kevin Smith Teases New Details From Recent Pinewoods Set Visit

Filmmaker Kevin Smith left the set of "Star Wars Episode 7" in tears and was ready to share what little he could with listeners of the "Hollywood Babble-On" podcast.

Unfortunately, Smith agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement before stepping on the "Star Wars" set. However, he did admit he saw costumes and characters that reminded him of his youth.

"They had a sign at on the stage - I can't even say which stage - which had the Imperial Starship logo and it said, 'loose lips sink starships," Smith said during the podcast, according to Flickering Myth.

After leaving the set, Smith posted an image of himself in tears on his official Instagram page. Smith admitted during the podcast he was overwhelmed with emotion multiple times throughout his "Star Wars Episode 7" set visit.

"I'm really excited and you know, people keep saying that I liked the last trilogy and I did. I liked 1, 2 and 3," Smith said. "But I liked them as an adult, when I watched them they didn't give me the same feeling I had when I was seven watching them for the first time and that's fine. This movie though... Dude, I cried four times. The seven year old in me came. [J.J] has f*cking captured it, man. He has nailed it."

"Star Wars Episode 7" actor Andy Serkis shares Smith's excitement. In a separate interview with SciFi Now, Serkis described his first table read with the production.

"I'm thrilled, deeply excited. Sitting at that read-through the other day was just extraordinary," Serkis said. "It was an amazing event; being with the original cast was just incredible. I just think the script is so wonderful, and both the old and the newbies in the cast are just so thrilled and excited to get together."

"Star Wars Episode 7" will be released to theaters on May 6, 2016.