Jessica Simpson Wedding Weight Loss: Fashion Designer Shed Pounds with Strict Two-Week Vegan Diet?

Jessica Simpson is joining the growing list of celebrities who turn to vegan-diets in order to shed a few pounds. According to US Weekly, the singer-turned-fashion designer went on a strict two-week vegan diet to get in tip-top shape for her July 5 wedding to Eric Johnson.

Earlier in the year, the 33-year-old revealed that she had lost a whopping 60 pounds after giving birth to her second child, Ace. At the time, Simpson used Weight Watchers - which she is a spokeswoman for - to drop the baby weight.

The source also told US that Simpson "got a few B12 shots" and "opted to get a sugar dermabrasion on her face" shortly before the Santa Barbara wedding. Celebrities like Beyonce, Jay Z and Jennifer Lopez also admitted to temporarily becoming vegan in order to get in shape.

Bey and Jay both did a 22-day Vegan challenge, and Lopez told Access Hollywood that she slimmed down after giving birth to twins, Max and Emme, by going vegan for five weeks.

"I'll be honest with you guys, since I had the babies about six years ago, I had that really stubborn 8 to 10 pounds on me," Lopez confessed last year. "People are used to seeing me be kind of thickish, but when I started eating [vegan], right away I dropped like 8 to 10 pounds. It was a real challenge, but more than that I felt better and people were like, 'Your energy's better'... everything's better."

The "I Luh Ya Papi" singer said she no longer sticks to just a purely vegan diet but does encourage people to incorporate more veggies into their diets.

"I did the full vegan for almost four, five weeks, then I just incorporating proteins myself," Lopez said. "The truth is, even if you're 70-80 percent vegan, it's so much better having those vegetables, greens, plant-based stuff. It's going to change your life and health."