Robin Williams Death: Actor Feared He Would Relapse, Start Drinking Again?

A few months before Robin Williams' death, the actor did a brief rehab stint at Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center in Minnesota. At the time, his rep released a statement and said Williams was receiving treatment to maintain his sobriety.

Now a young mother of two, who claims she was receiving treatment at the same time Williams was, is revealing details about his rehab stint. According to The Sunday Express, 32-year-old Teresa Cohen said the "Jumanji" actor would "burst into tears, fearing that he would relapse and return to drink when he left the center."

Cohen also said that even though Williams tried to stay positive throughout his stay, she knew "something deeper was going on inside him."

"Even though he would goof around from time to time, just like he did on screen, there were many other occasions where his face reflected deep depression and unhappiness," she told The Sunday Express.

Reportedly, Williams even talked about death and said, "when I go, I want it to be quick and I want to be clean and sober. I don't want to die the slow agonizing death of an addict who makes everyone around him suffer."

The "Mrs. Doubtfire" actor was found dead on Monday, Aug. 11 by his assistant. Officials determined the cause of death was suicide by hanging. At the time of the his death, Williams' rep said the actor had been "battling severe depression as of late." His wife, Susan Schneider, also revealed that Williams was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease shortly before his suicide.

According to reports, the actor did not leave a suicide note and a recent report by TMZ claims Williams' death was spontaneous and not premeditated. A friend close to the Hollywood star told TMZ that he spoke to Williams the day before his body was found and he was "completely engaged in the conversation."

"[Robin] was unhappy which he often was, but it was nothing unusual," the friend said.

According to the site, none of Williams' family and friends suspected that suicide was looming.