Images of Jesse Eisenberg on the “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” set have surfaced, and so have details of his Lex Luthor hairstyle.
Batman-On-Film reports an inside source claims Eisenberg’s filming took place at night, even though the photos of the actor on set were taken during the day. In the leaked photos, Eisenberg is wearing a head scarf to block anyone from catching a glimpse of his new hairdo.
"There is filming taking place on a seaside port at night,” the source wrote in an email. “It seems as if The Batmobile has and will be involved. A chase scene has been filmed that included a lot of stunts. A Batman stunt double was used to film a scene that had Batman standing on the top of a 40+ story crane. Most of this shooting has been stunt double heavy. Also, Lex does have hair (as I mentioned a while back), but not the bright red as some sites are speculating."
Jesse Eisenberg's "Lex Luthor" either wants to rule the world or bake you a pie.
— Clevver Movies (@ClevverMovies) September 2, 2014
The production has released any details regarding Luthor’s appearance, but Eisnberg recently spoke to TotalFilm about taking on the villainous role. The actor didn’t reveal much, but did admit playing Luthor is one of the most challenging roles he’s ever taken on.
"There are some indications of how the character should behave based on the script, and then as actor makes it his or her own," Eisenberg said. "I got to know one of the writers really well, Chris Terrio, and we were able to discuss things at length and figure out who this person is to create a real psychology behind what is, perhaps, in a comic book, a less than totally modern psychology. I can only say I've been asked to play an interesting role: a complicated, challenging person."
“Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” will be released to theaters on March 25, 2016.