1 in 10 Americans Admit To Using A Cell Phone During Sex

It appears some Americans will literally let nothing stop them from answering the beckoning of a ringing cell phone. The 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study tells us that Americans cannot afford to part ways with their cell phone even to have sex.

The study, conducted by Harris Interactive for Jumio says phones have become so well integrated in American's daily lives that nearly one in ten admit to using their phone during sex. Believe it or not, that's not the only strange place people were willing to admit to using their smartphone. Other spots included church, where 19 percent of those polled said they used their phone and, perhaps the most dangerous of all, the shower where 12 percent of people admitted to using their phone.

According to PC Mag, some take the term "sexting" quite literally. With such high numbers of people using their smartphones like this, its no wonder that the devices have found their way into the bedroom. When the demographic is focused on 18 to 34-year-olds, 20 percent of them said they've employed their phones in some capacity during the passionate throes of love making. Although the study did not give specifics as to how these people have incorporated phones into their sex lives, the study proved that 72 percent of people do not allow their smartphone to get more than five feet away from them at any time, so it becomes easy to see just how simple it would be to forget one's self and reach for the device when it rings, no matter how distracted one might become.

Harris Interactive conducted the online survey from June 13 to June 17 in order to gauge the responses of 2,021 U.S. adults, 1.103 of whom were smartphone owners. The hope behind the survey was to discover useful information about American's smartphone habits. Not to make it sound like the entire report was a way to peak into the secrets of the average American's sex life, the study also yielded important results as to how people react to privacy concerns with their smartphones.

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