George Zimmerman Pulled Over With Gun, Gets Off with Warning (VIDEO)

Less than a month after being acquitted of all charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman was pulled over for speeding in North Texas with a gun in the vehicle's glove compartment, according to USA Today.

Zimmerman was pulled over for speeding on Highway 80 in Forney, Texas, just east of Dallas. When the officer approached the Honda pickup truck Zimmerman informed him that he was armed. The officer told Zimmerman to place the gun in the glove compartment, according to CBS News.

During the traffic stop Zimmerman asked the officer if he recognized him from television, the officer did not. When the officer asked Zimmerman where he was headed the 29-year-old said "nowhere in particular," according to CBS News.

After checking the computer for any outstanding warrants the officer decided to allow Zimmerman to leave with only a written warning.

"Have a safe trip," the officer told Zimmerman after the five-minute traffic stop, according to TMZ.

The gun that was being carried by Zimmerman was not the 9mm Kel-Tec pistol used to shoot Martin. The Department of Justice is holding on to all of the evidence from the trial, including the gun, until it has been decided if they are going to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman, according to USA Today.

Zimmerman's acquittal was met with outrage by many Americans and from the African-American community in particular. Protests were organized all over the country as many questioned not only how Zimmerman could have been acquitted but also the prudence of Florida's stand-your-ground law, according to USA Today.

Possibly as a response to that outrage Zimmerman has flown under the radar for the most part since the trial ended. The only other time he has been seen in public was two weeks ago when he assisted a family whose SUV had turned over not far from Zimmerman's house in Sanford, Fla.

A video from the dashcam of the officer who pulled Zimmerman over can be seen here.