George Zimmerman Moved Three Times, Bought Bullet Proof Vest While on Bond Records Reveal

While awaiting trial for the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman was one of the most recognizable and polarizing figures in America. Records just released by the Seminole County Sheriff's Office show that in the 372 days before his trial Zimmerman moved and bought a bulletproof vest, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Part of the $1 million bail that Zimmerman posted was that he had to wear an ankle bracelet with a GPS device that could be monitored by police. Zimmerman was also forced call to check in with police every two days and to not leave Seminole County for any reason other than to see his lawyers. Other than forgetting to call in once time Zimmerman followed all of the rules he was given, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

The closest that Zimmerman came to breaking the rules was when he entered a Gander Mountain sporting-goods store. One of the provisions of his bail was that Zimmerman had to stay away from all firearms; Gander Mountain has a large firearms section. Police had to review security tapes from his visit to determine that Zimmerman avoided the section, which he did, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Among the biggest concerns for Zimmerman was his personal safety. In a two month span Zimmerman and his wife moved three separate times. For additional safety Zimmerman purchased a bullet proof vest and an infrared-alarm system for his home and hired a bodyguard, according to the Associated Press.

Since being acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter in mid-July Zimmerman has kept a fairly low profile despite being one of the most recognizable people in America.

Shortly after the trial ended Zimmerman assisted a family whose car had overturned on the side of a road in Sanford, Fla. Some accused Zimmerman and his lawyers of setting up the accident in an effort to portray Zimmerman as a Good Samaritan. The family that he helped canceled a scheduled press conference out of fears that it would become a media frenzy.