’50 Shades of Grey’ Movie Cast: ‘Twilight’ Author Stephanie Meyer Disses E.L. James, Has No Advice on Casting Lead Roles (VIDEO)

"Twilight" author Stephanie Meyer has not read the book "Fifty Shades of Grey" and doesn't plan on reading it. TMZ caught up with the author in Hollywood with some friends when they asked her if she could offer E.L. James any casting news and she said no, because she never bothered to check out the book.

Meyer has been pretty vocal about the book in the past. During an interview with The Guardian, a British newspaper, she admitted that she had never read book adding that even "traditional romance [was] too smutty for her tastes," the New York Daily News reports.

"Erotica is not something I read," Meyer, who is a practicing Mormon, said. "There's a reason why my books have a lot of innocence."

It has been reported that James' series is loosely based off "Twilight" and she is even a fan of Meyer work.

"Well, it all started way back on the day when I saw 'Twilight,' the film, and I loved those books - I could not put [them] down, absolutely avidly read the books," she told Katie Couric last year during an interview. "This switch was flipped. I had to write - started writing, wrote a novel, then I discovered fan fiction. [I] write about Edward and Bella and then decided to write about Christian and Anastasia. I took the fan [fiction], and a friend of mine re-wrote it and I thought - if he could do it, so could I, and now I am here."

James probably won't respond to Meyer's slight diss but she did tweet about "Fifty Shades" movie news. The author responded to a fans question asking whether the movie was going to filmed in either England or the UK and she said it probably won't.