It's pretty clear why former NBA player Lamar Odom went to the Love Ranch he was found unconscious in, but what exactly went on during his stay still seems to be a little fishy. It's been made very clear that he did overdose due to a dangerous mix of cocaine and herbal Viagra, but it's still a little unclear if he was actually in possession of the illegal drugs in his VIP suite.

While cocaine did show up in his blood tests, owner Dennis Hof has made it very clear that they offer a very strict no drug policy and that the girls know to stop any drug use, if seen, immediately. Odom's stay becomes a little confusing because at one point, as he asked the girls if he could be left alone, and it wasn't until they came back several hours later that they found him unconscious. What went on from the time they left him to the time they found him has not yet been officially confirmed, although it has been assumed that the main cause of the overdose probably took place during that time.

Now, Hof has come out and said that there is a new mystery man involved in the whole situation, and this could become a whole new investigation in itself. Hof explained that someone who claimed to be Odom's manager showed up at the brothel just hours after Odom was found demanding to take all of his things, including his cellphone, according to Page Six. Shortly after, a man claiming to be Odom's bodyguard came by and said that he had absolutely no idea who the first guy could have been.

"I don't know if I got canned," Hof explained. "I think when this all shakes out, this is a shaky motherf--ker. I didn't recognize him. Something was up."

What makes this even more confusing is that the police had already been at the scene before either of these men arrived, and apparently did not find any drugs or contraband. During the first press conference, which revealed all the details of the 911 call, we found out that investigators Michael Eisenloffell and Corey Fowles showed up at the scene within minutes of him being found, as HNGN previously reported. They had not yet released exactly what was found in the room at the time because the investigation is ongoing, so it's making everyone wonder exactly what this mystery man could have come to take, and if he really was affiliated with Odom in any way.

For the latest on Odom's condition, click here!