Rory Lee Feek, of the husband-and-wife country music duo Joey + Rory, shared details of the romantic Valentine's Day he has planned for his terminally ill wife Joey Feek. In a post titled "The Master Plan" published on Friday on his blog "This Life I Live," Rory opened up about his first Valentine's Day with his wife and shared details of how he plans to celebrate the holiday with his ailing wife.

"Our very first date was on Valentine's day in 2002," Rory wrote. "The horse-vet clinic Joey worked for at the time, Tennessee Equine Hospital, had a Valentines get-together for their staff and she invited me to come with her. That night must've gone pretty well... because two months later we were engaged and two months after that, Joey and I were married."

He went on to explain that he wanted to celebrate the couple's 14th Valentine's Day together over two glasses of wine and a candle-lit grilled steak dinner, but due to her illness, Joey doesn't eat very much and she mostly sleeps through her days and nights.

"So my hope this year instead is to hold her hand and take her on a 'virtual' walk down memory lane together... with pictures and videos on my laptop," Rory wrote. "I want to take her back to where our lives first began together, and relive this beautiful journey that God has taken us on... from that first song she heard me sing at the Bluebird cafe, to the last one we sang together as we stood on stage and took our final bow... to the songs that she will leave behind here on earth and the ones she will soon sing for eternity to our sweet Lord in that heavenly choir up yonder."

Joey was diagnosed with cervical cancer in May 2014, local news station Fox 59 reported. Her cancer was deemed terminal last October, and she was given six months to live. Joey was moved into hospice care shortly after to live out her last days with her husband and their daughter Indiana.