MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

Russian President Vladimir Putin outmatched NATO and the US with strategy, moving several thousand troops from the Ukraine border and sowing confusion amongst the allies.

The Kremlin has been playing its cards in a longer game during the border standoff, where he's achieved some of his goals.

In the past several months, the event of Ukraine has revealed a disunited bloc and the US resorting to false flags.

Washington's False Warning

The Russian Ministry of Defense ordered the relocation of troops on the Ukraine border to return to bases as a surprise move of Putin.

Choosing this option has disproven the fear-mongering of Joe Biden that Russian forces will assault. Although how many units in the field doing large-scale military exercises is unknown, the Express UK reported.

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, said they would believe a withdrawal if solid proof exists. He told the press that only a full withdrawal would mean de-escalation if they see it.

Next in line to meet Putin will be Olaf Scholz, the German

Chancellor, who will discuss the Kremlin. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will head a Cobra meeting on how Britain will respond.

According to an expert in Russian foreign policy and Senior Lecturer, Portsmouth University, Dr. Paul Flenley said that the current situation is okay with the Kremlin.

No resolution is a good outcome for the Russian leader Vladimir Putin; it only prolongs the situation that suits him fine.

The Kremlin Wins

Putin excelled at the long game with statesmanship; prolonging the uncertainty at the border will get him more of what he wants. Russia is the center of the discussions, cited the Vox.

It took long for Joe Biden to realize that the Kremlin was misleading him, and he fell for it. Russia is very interested in dealing with China.

Many world leaders want a meeting in Moscow and are acutely attentive to the whims of Putin. The Russian leader has outmatched and become the center of international politics.

Everything the Kremlin does to keep the military drills going, activation of troops will force NATO and the US to deal with Russia.

A scheduled exercise in the region ends on February 20; the Russian-Belarusian Union Resolve war games.

The exercise will be another force of 30,000 infantry with weaponry and undisclosed hardware.

Dr. Flenley added that Putin might stand down some troops and redeploy to their bases of origin, just as this morning, noted CNN.

Another option is to do what he's doing and no invasion, return to bases depending on his long-term plans. Or do it often and cause confusion with no resolution, the West wants an end, but it's the Kremlin's discretion to do.

Keeping an instability will influence Moscow; that means anywhere that is more headaches for NATO and US.

In the news conference, Russia's spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry stated that February 15, 2022, was the day Joe Biden's hysteria failed. Putin scored well, with none of his forces raising a gun.

The West is still downplaying everything that has happened, and the White House is silent of now.

Vladimir Putin checkmated the West, and no resolution results in instability, no sight in the end, and the long game cannot be guessed.