A US media source alleges that Joe Biden and his staff are getting hit by one political crisis after another but leave it getting worse, and now they are pointing the blame.SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

A US media source alleges that Joe Biden and staff are falling apart as more political crisis mounts from many sources that are left unresolved.

Politico reports that the White House is worsening internally due to morale dropping because the commander in chief cannot pull everything together.

Bide Administration Deals With Mounting Crisis

According to RT, the claims came after five White House staff were interviewed about Democrats being privy to the mishandling but cannot go public with the internal debacle of affairs.

They point to internal tensions in the Oval Office as aides place blame and uncertainty over staff shake-ups, leading the White House to be very divided. It gets worse as the president and his aides struggle from crisis to crisis, destroying confidence in the administration.

All the problems overwhelming Washington from global inflation, high fuel prices, covid resurgence, abortion, and congress cannot push the Democrat agenda on guns.

The president sank to the lowest polls in less than two years, even lower than Trump, whom he claims to be the worst president and threat to US democracy. But on the same token, the president has been blamed for everything that has happened and is called divisive by many, noted NBC News.

White House To Highlight Biden's Progress

According to Adrienne Elrod, a senior aide on the Joe Biden transition team, it is a runaway train, and the Democrats and the White House know they are doing a bad job in many political crises. They intend to play sideways by saying Republicans can do worse, but polls show a shift from the Dems.

In desperation, the White House is allegedly planning questionable attacks on the Republicans before what will be a probable massacre in the November midterms they fear.

But due to what could be mismanagement of the Oval Office that sent aides packing from the vice-president's office, even the former White House press secretary and other press aides in a masse exodus are telling how bad it is.

Some members of Biden's inner circle have kept complaining that his aides have not put him on the road more regularly; even so, they have put him back in the spotlight in a series of trips to showcase the improvements being made, even if it is only gradual.

An unidentified confidant close to the commander in chief said that a few administration members want Biden to be more genuine, minus the gaffes. Also, allowing him to be with the voters more, some fear is an invitation for a gaffe.

The Politico report caught the White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates in allegedly damaging control mode. He called the situation of an infirm president and a dysfunctional White House not the truth. He added that the claims are not authorized by the communications team, which has its hands full.

Pressure To Accept Ukraine's Defeat

Added to the shortcomings of the White House is the comment by Hugo De Santis saying that Biden should tell Ukraine to negotiate with Russia; Zelensky is going to lose, and consequences will follow, mentioned the Thread Times.

Joe Biden seems unable to stop the downslide of his staff, and the democrats are alarmed how a mishandled political crisis is piling up with no solution from him.