Google announced new features for its Glass that allows users to receive SMS notifications from an iPhone and a new calendar app to seamlessly organize events.

Google is setting aside its differences with Apple to bring the first Google Glass feature supported for iPhones. In an official post by Google Glass, Monday, the world leader in internet search and cloud services announced support for SMS for iPhone and a new calendar app.

Google had Glass support for Android devices, as it is the company's own mobile operating platform. The Glass was basically unavailable and not of much use for iPhone users, but the latest SMS integration welcomes a large group of iPhone users to try out Google's high-tech Glass.

Google said the 'SMS for iPhone' feature on Glass was brought by popular demand and lets users receive text messages from friends. The Glass connects to the iPhone via Bluetooth and users must turn on "Show Notifications" under iPhone's Bluetooth settings. When a new message arrives, a notification will appear on Glass. Due to certain limitations with iOS, iPhone users will not be able to reply to the messages. Well, that's a start.

Another important addition to the Glass is its new calendar app. The useful app builds on the currently expanding Google App Suite, which includes apps like Gmail, Google+ and Google Play Music. Google calls its app suite for the Glass as "Glasswear."

"On the Glassware tab in MyGlass, you'll see a new Calendar Glassware," Google said, explaining the settings and functions of the new calendar app in a Google+ post, Monday. "Turn it on to see your agenda to the left of the home screen. Tap a calendar card from your timeline and you can change the title, time, location, and RSVP as well as delete the event or dismiss it from your timeline."

Google's highly advanced computer tech attracted some unwanted attention in the U.S., where some Explorers were mugged, harassed and even attacked in the past few months. Google Glass users also faced fines and driving bans in recent months. But the Internet giant has been trying hard to fix the negative image built around its Glass. Google issued a guide to Glass Explorers that details how they can be true brand ambassadors.

Recently, Google launched a one-day sale for Glass and it sold out in the first few hours. Seems all its efforts are working.

To make the experience better for Google Glass users, the web giant announced the most significant update, KitKat for Glass. Features like photo replies via Hangouts and advanced photo browsing was added to the Glass as a part of the update.