Charles Manson is back on the market, ladies.

Turns out, his young fiancée only wanted him for his body.

According to journalist Daniel Simone, the 80-year-old serial killer's wedding to 27-year-old Afton Elaine Burton, also known as Star, was called off when he found out he had been played. Burton allegedly only wanted to marry the mastermind of the murder of Sharon Tate so she would have possession of his corpse, according to New York Post. Burton and a friend, Craig Hammond (aka Gray Wolf), were planning to make a glass tomb similar to that of Lenin's where people could pay to view the notorious killer post-mortem - and hoping for beaucoup bucks in return.

"He's finally realized that he's been played for a fool," Simone told New York Post.

Also, Manson said the idea is ridiculous, since he is immortal. "He feels he will never die," Simone told New York Post. "Therefore, he feels it's a stupid idea to begin with."

The marriage license expired on Nov. 5. Does this mean it is over for the lifer and his young once-bride?

According to a statement released on Manson Direct, Burton's and Hammond's website dedicated to the creator of Helter Skelter:

"Charlie and Star were not able to complete their wedding ceremony due to an unexpected interruption in logistics. The marriage license, filed on November 7th 2014, was active for 90 days. They plan on renewing the license, and things will move forward in the coming months.

"In regards to the sensationalism and triviality expressed by the corporate media, we are reposting this 2013 statement by Charlie:

'Your perspectives are off-base. This marriage is far less important than Air Trees Water, and Animals. We're running out of water. We're constantly polluting the air that we breathe. We're destroying the very thing our life is dependent upon (all life is one life).

'The marriage of true minds - like Shakespeare said. We're marrying in ATWA. The Air and the Water is our spirit, the Trees and the Animals are our flesh and blood." - Charles Manson, November 24, 2013'"

According to New York Post, neither Burton nor Hammond was available for comment.

Simone told New York Post that the "interruption of logistics" was Manson's admit to a prison medical facility two months ago for the treatment of an infection. Manson has been unable to receive visitors.

Prison officials would not comment on Manson's condition or location, according to New York Post.

According to Simone and book associate Heidi Jordan Ley, Burton and Hammond asked Manson two years ago to sign a consent giving them his body when he dies. "He didn't give them a yes, he didn't give them a no. He sort of strung them along," Simone told New York Post.

Burton and Hammond continued visiting and bringing treats for Manson. Simone said Manson was just stringing the duo along for the goodies he'd get when they visited. Last year, when that plan seemed dead, Burton and Hammond changed tactics to nuptials, Simone told New York Post.

If Burton became Manson's wife, under California law, she would have lawful possession of his body upon his demise.

"Manson never consented to the wedding in the first place and never will," Simone told New York Times.

Simone and Ley are looking for a publisher for their book, "The Retrial of Charles Manson." Manson and fellow inmates at Corcoran State Prison in California have been taking part in the book's development. Simone and Ley told New York Post that they spoke to Manson regularly until two years ago when his phone privileges were suspended. After that, they turned to written correspondence.

As HNGN reported in November, Burton has been fighting to free Manson for years - since she was 16. She even shaved her head and carved an "x" in her forehead two years ago at the request of Manson. She also reportedly said that as Mrs. Manson, she would be able to do things that only next-of-kin can do to secure Manson's release from prison. Burton did not go on to explain what those "things" are.