A man unintentionally instigated a police hunt after he tweeted that he had been "locked in a tent bag" by his friends at T in the Park at Strathallan Castle in Perthshire, Scotland.
Scott Johnston tweeted to T in the Park saying that someone had packed him in a tent bag as part of a joke and he could not find a way out and his cell was running out of battery.
The official account for Police Scotland responded to the tweet, telling him that officers and stewards were on their way to look for him.
@ScottJohnston8 Hi Scott please tweet us with more info if you can. We have officers with stewards in the area looking for you now.
— Police Scotland (@policescotland) July 13, 2015
Both tweets were retweeted and favorited thousands of times.
Johnston was eventually "unzipped" by his friends before police had the chance to locate him.
"Never been so happy to see the rain," Johnston wrote in another Twitter post, but Police Scotland was still eager to talk to him about the situation, tweeting him to call them back.
However, it is being reported that Johnston made up the whole situation and simply tweeted that he was locked in the tent bag as a joke.
"I just tweeted it for a laugh. I didn't think it would spiral out of control," he told the Daily Record.
But Johnston denied speaking to the publication by posting another tweet, which has since been deleted.
Police Scotland said they will investigate whether or not the whole thing was a hoax and, if it was, Johnston could face charges, according to the BBC.