Veteran Marine Issues Challenge To Teach Obama Respect

The recent massacre of U.S. service personnel at Chattanooga and the U.S. administrations reaction, or lack of it, has prompted former U.S. Marine veteran Mike "Shep" Shepard to question why U.S. flags have not been lowered as a mark of respect to the deceased.

"Most are fully aware of the president not showing support for our fallen and flags continue flying high in the sky. He invited the family of a traitor named Berghdal to the rose garden to celebrate the release of our enemy. He has yet to call out the terrorist who shot up two recruiting stations in Chattanooga. Well, we don't need permission to show our respect for five lives lost. I am reaching out to you America in hopes that we teach Obama about respect.

I say we should come together and fly our flags at half mast until the 30th of July. The 30th will mark the two week anniversary of this tragedy. Let's show the president what it is to respect this country and our fallen. If you drive by a business, please go in and ask they fly that flag at half-mast. If we get the whole country to do it the president might get the message. The message that he is just one man while we are the voice of America. If he won't call for flags to be flown at half-mast the American people will. Please share this and together we can show Washington what it means to respect... May God forever bless you all, Shep," wrote Shepard in the DC Gazette.

Shepard is, in effect, challenging America to "teach Obama a lesson." President Barack Obama is facing strong criticism for not having ordered U.S. flags at the White House and other public buildings be flown at half-staff, after the Chattanooga incident, like he has done following other tragedies, reports The Blaze.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais criticized the Obama administration saying that he "can't imagine" why Obama hasn't ordered the flags be lowered. He added that it "needs to happen and it needs to happen soon."

"We've lost five servicemen, and as you've said, the flag goes to half-mast for all types of other incidents around the country," DedJarlais said, according to The Blaze.

Meanwhile, responding to a question by NBC White House reporter Peter Alexander, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest refused to explain why President Obama hasn't ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in reaction to the attack in Chattanooga, reports Brietbart. Earnest defended the administration by reminding reporters that Obama offered condolences to the families and would likely speak about the shootings in an upcoming speech at the VFW convention in Pittsburgh, but he concluded by saying, "I don't have more information about the status of the flag over the White House,"

Washington, President Barack Obama, Pittsburgh