12-Year-Old Girl Genius: British Schoolgirl Scores Higher On IQ Test Than Einstein And Hawking (TWEETS)

A British schoolgirl has a higher IQ than geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Twelve-year-old Nicole Barr, of Harlow, Essex, has scored a perfect 162 on Mensa IQ test, two points higher than Einstein and Hawking, according to the New York Daily News. Both eminent scientists scored 160 points on Mensa IQ test.

Barr's Mensa IQ score places her among the top one percent intelligent people in the world. One-hundred is an average IQ score for adults, while 140 plus is considered to be that of a genius.

"When I found out I got such a high score, it was so unexpected. I was shocked," Nicole told Western Daily Press.

"I remember when I was in primary school and I was an angel in a school play, another girl who was playing the other angel didn't turn up so I learnt her lines too," said Nicole, who is in Year 7 and attends Burnt Mill Academy in Harlow.

Her parents, James and Dolly Buckland, who are from a migrant Roma community in England, said they were extremely proud of their daughter.

"The story has been going around the gypsy community, particularly on Facebook where it keeps being shared. It's nice for us to be in the news for something good for a change. This shows that it doesn't matter where you come from, anyone can be academically brilliant," her father James told Western Daily Press.

Nicole wants to study medicine at Cambridge and aspires to be a doctor. Her favourite subjects in school are math and drama, and she likes to spend her free time teaching herself Mandarin, according to Itv.

The #NicoleBarr hashtag has been trending worldwide. Take a look at some of the tweets below.

Albert einstein, Stephen Hawking, British, England, Facebook, Cambridge