George Zimmerman Released; Shellie Drops Charges After Scary 911 Call (AUDIO)

Days after his wife filed for divorce George Zimmerman, the man who was recently acquitted of murder after shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in a highly publicized court case, is being questioned about a domestic incident that may have involved a gun, according to ABC News.

"There was some kind of a domestic, we know that with his wife and father-in-law. Apparently there were some weapons involved and threats," the deputy police chief of Lake Mary, Fla., told ABC News.

A spokesman for the police, Zach Hudson, said that authorities "were trying to figure out exactly what happened" during the incident. Zimmerman has not been charged with a crime, according to the Chicago Tribune.

An Orlando television station, WKMG, has obtained what they are saying is the 911 call made by Shellie Zimmerman and it can be heard at this link. On the call Shellie said that George was sitting in his car with his hand on his gun while she was making the call, according to WKMG-TV.

"He punched my dad in the nose. My dad has a mark on the nose. I saw his glasses were on the floor," Shellie Zimmerman said on the call. "He then accosted my father then took my iPad out of my hands. He then smashed it and cut it with a pocketknife, and this is a Lake Mary city worker across the street that I believe say all of it."

Kelly Sims, an attorney representing Shellie Zimmerman, told ABC News that George Zimmerman pulled a knife on her client earlier today after she had found a firearm in the house that the couple shared.

Lake Mary police Chief Steve Bracknell has confirmed that neither Shellie Zimmerman nor her father, David Dean, planned on pressing charges, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

"They both have declined to press charges against George," Bracknell told the Orlando Sentinel. "We have no victim, no crime."

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