George Zimmerman Destroyed iPad During Fight, Police May Still Seek Charges (VIDEO)

The domestic dispute between George Zimmerman and his wife may have been caught on an iPad video that will be crucial in helping police determine if charges will be filed, according to the Associated Press.

Lake Mary police spokesman Zach Hudson told the Associated Press that the dispute between George and Shellie Zimmerman that prompted Shellie to call 911 was caught on video by the iPad but that the device had been destroyed so it will need to be examined in a crime lab in order to retrieve the video.

"The iPad video is going to be paramount in this case," Hudson said.

The dispute began when Shellie, who filed for divorce last week, and her father showed up at George Zimmerman's residence to pick up the remainder of her belongings. Shellie had used the iPad to record their argument when George grabbed it and destroyed it, a surveillance system within the house verified this. It is possible that police will charge George with destruction of evidence for destroying the iPad, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

On the 911 call made during the altercation Shellie said that George had pulled out a gun and threatened her with it, she also claimed that he had struck her father in the nose. Later on she recanted much of her story and refused to press charges. No gun was found at the scene, according to the Associated Press.

Pending what is found on the iPad the police may still decide to press charges.

"In Florida when it comes to domestic violence, the person in question doesn't have the right to press charges or not press charges," Hudson told the Orlando Sentinel. "We either forward charges (to the State Attorney's Office) or make an arrest on scene."

In 2005 George Zimmerman was involved in a domestic case when his former fiancée filed to have a restraining order place against him, the Associated Press reports.

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