Joy Behar Returns To ‘The View’: A Look Back At Her Most Controversial Moments

After a two-year break, former "The View" co-host Joy Behar announced her return to the daytime talk show for its revamped 19th season.

"I spent two years where I didn't ever have to think about Kim Kardashian or the Duggars and it was really kind of nice," Behar said. "But I remembered...all the wonderful things, fun I had over there."

Behar was a co-host on the show for 16 years; from its beginnings in 1997 all the way through 2013. Along with Barbara Walters, Behar was the longest-running of the original co-hosts that Walters brought together in 1997.

"I want to stick my two cents in. That's my main goal in life," Behar joked of her return. "I had so much fun on the show. I can't believe it."

The longtime stand-up comedian cited the upcoming presidential election as one of the reasons she was returning to the talk show.

"Look, what's going on with Donald Trump right now, you know, and you just talked about the Duggars and how it's not a very good idea, it's not godly for a woman to be angry," Behar said, referring to a story that aired on "GMA" Wednesday, according to ABC News. "I think I'm going to show that it is godly for a woman to be angry."

Behar was not afraid of a little controversy during her original stint on "The View." Here are her most controversial moments.

1. Walking out on Bill O'Reilly

Behar and co-host Whoopi Goldberg infamously walked off the set of "The View" during an interview with Bill O'Reilly. In the segment things got heated when O'Reilly talked about the planned mosque near Ground Zero. O'Reilly thought building a mosque near the 9/11 memorial was inappropriate. At one point in the conversation Behar tried to interrupt O'Reilly.

"Listen to me because you'll learn," O'Reilly told Behar.

The argument got even more heated when O'Reilly said, "Muslims killed us on 9/11," which promoted Goldberg and Behar to walk off during the live segment.

"I don't want to sit here now," Behar said as she left, and years later Behar said she did not regret her decision.

"Anyone who lumps all Muslims together, like he did, or all Jews, or all blacks, or whatever, there's nothing really to say except, 'You're an idiot!' So, instead of saying that to him I walked off, and Whoopi did, too. It was so weird. My body just got off that chair all by itself. That's never happened before or since and, trust me, a lot of people spew bulls--t on "The View!" Meanwhile, O'Reilly loved it, of course," Behar told TV Guide.

2. Confronting John McCain during the 2008 presidential race

In 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain stopped by "The View" and talked about his campaign. Behar confronted McCain about his attack ads that were broadcasted nationwide. She claimed that two of his ads were completely untrue and asked the politician why he approved the messages. The ads claimed that Barack Obama said nasty remarks about McCain's running-mate Sarah Palin and he wanted to teach sex education to kindergartners.

"There are ads running from your campaign... Now we know that those two ads are untrue, they are lies. And yet, you at the end of it say you approve these messages. Do you really approve these?"

McCain stuck by his ads and said they were not lies.

3. She called Republican Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle a b---h

In 2010 Behar called Nevada senatorial candidate Sharron Angle a b---h and stated she was "going to hell." The comments came after a discussion of an ad Angle used in her campaign. The ad focused on immigration and contrasted smiling white children with violent looking Latinos. Behar said the ad was incredibly racist and Angle was stupid and evil.

"I'd like to see her do this ad in the South Bronx," Behar said. "Come here, b---h! Come to New York and do it!"

4. Cutting Star Jones off

In 2006 former "View" co-host Star Jones called into the daytime talk show and discussed her elective surgery, a breast lift. She also spoke of rumors she was near death after she received a blood transfusion following the procedure, according to Fox News. During the phone interview Behar appeared to grow increasingly irritated as Jones kept talking about herself.

"Last Friday was my 44th birthday, but my boobs still think they're 20," Jones said - and that was when Behar heard enough. "OK, Star. That's enough about you. On to us. 'Bye,'" Behar snapped.

"Star Jones called into the show one time. She was going on too long about whatever and had just gotten her boobs lifted," Behar told TV Guide. "Finally I said to her, 'Okay, enough from you.'"

5. Fighting with Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Veterans Day

Behar and her outspoken Republican co-host Hasselbeck have been known to disagree on many things. On Veterans Day, the two hosts got into a verbal disagreement over what should and should not be discussed on the day. Behar wanted to talk about the war that was going on in Iraq at the time and how much money it cost. Hasselbeck did not think Veterans Day was the time to complain about the war.

"We salute them today," Behar defended herself to Hasselbeck. "This is not a complaint. I am not complaining about the boys and girls in the war. I am saluting them by talking about what the trials and tribulations have been because of this war."

"Today is a day of honor," Hasselbeck told Behar. "These are men and women who courageously and silently have been fighting for us to even have this discussions here that we have, that all Americans can talk freely, that we can walk in the streets and proclaim our likes and dislikes in this country, this is their day, it is not our day to gripe about the cost of war in terms of money."

Joy Behar, The View, Bill O'Reilly, John McCain, Barbara Walters