Yoga And Sex: 5 Yoga Moves That Can Improve Your Sex Life (PHOTOS)

There are more than 20 million people practicing yoga in the United States, according to the Yoga Journal. The workout, developed thousands of years ago in India, comes highly recommended by many health experts.

"The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome," said osteopathic physician Natalie Nevins via the American Osteopathic Organization. "Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia."

Yoga's benefits also extend to sex. "High blood pressure and high blood sugar, both symptoms of metabolic syndrome, can interfere with circulation, which means that blood flow is compromised to all organs, including pelvic organs," said doctor and author Ray Sahelian, according to Women's Health Magazine. "A yoga program can help increase blood flow." When blood flow is smoother, it can also enhances arousal in women in a healthier way, the expert noted.

Here are five yoga moves that can help you achieve better sex.

1. Sitting Wide-Legged, Forward Bend Pose

This pose opens the hips and helps boost libido. It also improves flexibility around the hip and lower back area, so that sex is more relaxed. You can do this pose this while you're watching TV at home. Hold the position for as long as you're comfortable.

A photo posted by YogaGlo (@yogaglo) on May 15, 2015 at 10:17am PDT

2. Eagle Pose

One of the sexiest poses in Yoga and it's recommended in the Kama Sutra, according to Do You Yoga. This technique increases the blood flow in the cervix and pelvis. Any pent up energy in the body is flushed with this hold. It's one of the trickiest poses to do as well, and may not be mastered by right away, but don't sweat it if you can't tuck your foot under your ankle. Don't risk your hurting yourself. Concentrate on the abdominal and lumbar region and sit down as low as you can.

3. Bridge Pose

This pose helps achieve orgasm for the ladies, as it strengthens the muscles around the vagina. It's a lot like doing Kegel exercises. To do this properly, make sure to keep your shoulders squarely on the ground and your heels on the floor as you gently lift your hips and bend your knees. Don't overextend your hips, so as not to hurt your spine.

A photo posted by YogaGlo (@yogaglo) on Aug 14, 2015 at 10:49am PDT

4. Cat-Cow Pose

Moving your pelvis up and down stimulates the movement of sex, and like the Bridge pose, this also improves the Kegel muscles. Keep your shoulders straight and your knees bent, but balanced. Inhale when you look up and exhale when you look down, while relaxing your shoulder blades. Breathing is the most important thing for this exercise.

A photo posted by @yoga_365_days on Aug 13, 2015 at 12:29pm PDT

5. Cobra Pose

"The chest is a place where we get tense, and we tend to slump our shoulders," said Bruce, a trainer, via Women's Health. This does away with the tension and helps the muscles in the buttocks relax. With the pubic bone pressed to the floor, the pose helps you become more aware of your body and what makes you feel good.

A photo posted by YogaGlo (@yogaglo) on Jan 19, 2015 at 10:05am PST

Yoga, Sex, Blood pressure, High blood pressure, Blood sugar, Health, Exercise